Monday, April 19, 2021

Still a Charade №2

Notes from Barbara Marciniak and the Pleiadians Channleing -
"Still a Charade" Part 2- February 21, 2021.
-Notes by Tisha Rubright

1. This charade could last a little while.

2. Nothing is exactly as is appears to be.

3. CGI - Computer Generated Images ...and computer generated voices ...easy to deceive the public. People not always looking at something thats real. Synthetics, clones, replacements, fakes, doubles, genetic engineering. People have been taken out ..the people in politics, sports, Hollywood. People who have been engaging in the dark arts are being erased from reality.

4. You're not meant to figure it all out completely. Its deep deep state.

5. Biden announced he is closing gitmo. But the other side said they expanded it and its housing many more people than it did 10 years ago. Lots of people are being set before military tribunals in gitmo. Its very quick and the justice was very fast. Firing squads. To keep the peace they use doubles. Alot of deep fakes.

6. Act as if you are a magnet to attract what you want.

7. Biden said you can't call the virus as the China Virus. Joe is being controlled and given secret orders and the controllers are running the charade and they use Joe to insult America.

8. Too many people under the Trance of the dark team. All this is going to change sooner than later.

9. The people cannot handle the whole truth.

10. There are technologies that can create diamonds and people - but not the real stuff.

11. The value of gold is not so important to the Anunnaki any longer.

12. The space program is far more advanced than anyone admits.

13. Israeli high level security chief came out and said ET's are real and that the U.S. has long been involved with ET's and a base on Mars. ..and then everyone forgot about it.

14. Anunnaki shifted their obsession with Earth from mining for gold to genetics. Aborted fetuses. Thats their current obsession. They get the stem cells and they can do many many things. The Anunnaki have lost their minds in terms of the kind of lifeforms they are replicating and producing based on alot of Earth DNA. They are seeding these lifeforms around the galaxy. These lifeforms are trapped in slavery and they are rebelling just like we are rebelling here.

15. Bill and Melinda Gates are replacements. They didn't do a good job replacing Melinda - made her too masculine looking. He was executed for crimes against humanity in Africa. He's the biggest land owner and is producing fake meat and somehow he's a vakkseen expert. The replacement playing Bill is playing the part of the fanatic so people will hate him. Its all very complex.

16. The shots are going to lead to the internet to all things. You will need booster shots for this biological operating system inside you.

17. Elon Musk is a replacement. He's putting up 10's of thousands of satellites that create a frequency fence and your body will be controlled remotely by satellites if you get these shots.

18. Some high level techies have already been replaced and they are saying we live in a computer simulation. They are the ones living in a computer simulation because they are not real. We as real humans do not live in a computer simulation....

19. Teach your kids how to read , write, math, how to think, sing, music, arts, nature, food, grow food....ground them into the practicalities of life.

20. Nirbiru was also called "worm wood".

21. Artimisinin derived from wormwood kills cancer cells...partnered with Iron.

22. Big tech and Big pharma have roots in nefarious activities - not to enhance human life - but to enrich their pockets.

23. Theres been far too much deceit - we are watching the break down of the medical system.

24. Cuomo responsible for 15,000+ nursing homes deaths.

25. Fauci involved in nefarious activities...with China.

26. The medical system will never recover. Too many lies.

27. Biden is Chinas man, hook, line and sinker. Hunter is totally compromised by China. China attacked Texas with weather control...the deep freeze. These wars are fought with lasers , moving polar vortexes, droughts, floods, creating fires, DEW's...Direct Energy Weapons.

28. We are seeing reality starting to split.

29. O'biden is not for the American way.

30. They made people so afraid and they couldn't think. They made people believe that if you obeyed their mandate then they will be saved.

31. Janet Yellen is a replacement. She is the U.S. Secretary of Treasury.

32. How long can this charade go on?

33. Bitcoin is not reliable. Too many computer games. Its not a safe system. Its a trap. Its a way to steal money from people. The financial system is weak.

34. Human trafficking is by far the most lucrative business to be in....and it goes deeper into genetics....people who have been rescued from underground have never seen the light of day - they have spent their entire life underground. The team behind Trump is leading this crusade to rescue the kids underground.

35. The genetics from earth are taken into space.

36. The dark players believe that in order to further fuel their own ambitions that if they practice the old arts of human and animal sacrifice it will appease their gods.

37. Enki's sigil was the serpent - the healer, wisdom, medicine and creator of the human race. Enlil was the bull, which affiliates with the pleiades...and also eagle - commander of air, commander of astronauts and space industry - He was not isolated to earth...he owned earth and had the cosmos. Enki was not allowed to go into space.

38. Look at the 11th of every month.

39. George Bush Senior and McCain were executed. Given funerals to trick the public.

40. J Edgar Hoover was gay - cross dresser. Why was he in charge of the countries secrets - because he had secrets himself.

41. In todays world everything is fake and phony. Guessing avoid big wars, avoid global violence, avoid cities being burned. Within the charade there are clues, twists and turns.

42. Intelligence agencies erase a life - create a life - plastic surgery.

43. We can't make this stuff up.

44. There are many versions of off planetary life. Its not just the Anunnaki.

45. There are hybrid projects going on. Wanting to turn men into females. They want women more masculine.

46. Your thoughts create - but in which believe system? In which slice of reality are you going to be affected?

47. There are people abducted by inner dimensional beings - there are people that are part of hybridization program.

48. Some people are genetic experiments - they have been abducted their whole life and taken underground in the dream state - have been genetically altered and they have no idea what has happened to them.

49. Watch for CGI and fakes.

50. There are many who tune to these Channelings in the cosmos.

51. We are far more powerful than we ever realized. We are in a journey that is co-created and self directed. Build your own world. Do not conform to the status quo. Be brave and courageous. Its going to be chaotic for a little longer...Do not be afraid.

52. The power of the mind can pave a path for you into better and better realities or it can destroy you.

Images added by Scotty from one of Barbaras more popular books.

quite easy to hoodwink humans
Dowsing Rods can be used to tell if it's real or fake

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