Showing posts with label personal fortitude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label personal fortitude. Show all posts

Saturday, December 3, 2022

What Would Jesus Do?

The Bronson Brothers Supreme Court Case creates the situation that will be the gift of future Politician Honesty Test mentioned

 The recent Arizona Election Debacle where the group of Gooberment Officials certified a fradulent election on orders from a higher up state official went on the record and stated he followed orders in regard to certifying an election or risked going to jail for not following orders.

Lack of Fortitude Is Apparent

tests for personal fortitude

This got me pondering if there might be a test of some sort that all government officials should take in re to: honesty, tenacity. mental fortitude, etc.  

All the traits that I see lacking in Government Officials at every level of governmanship.  Basically; 

how can or is it possible to weed the weak ones out from the git-go before they get into office and wreck things or make situations worse?

I honestly hadn't ever pondered this subject before today and only after I heard this loser Mohave County Electroral Board Official state after the fact, "he was just following orders or risked going to jail". 

 Let me know what you think by tweeting me or in the comment section: Should ALL Government Officials be tested prior to running for office? 


I will follow up with this blog post when I receive notice from the Independent Testing Official and the Company mentioned above. 

psychology they are saying what I want to hear

The psychological phenomenon of "hearing what you want to hear" or confirmation bias , where people selectively attend to informat...