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Showing posts with the label ufo


DO EXTRATERRESTRIALS EXIST? – Part 3  Kryon gives a series of four channels on mysteries. Kryon talks about our galactic family. Do Extra-Terrestrial’s exists? Yes, extra-terrestrials exist and yet there are scientists that would disagree. Science is just beginning to discover entanglement that has reality shifts that is not your physics. Scientists and astronomers have wondered if there are other planets like Earth in what they call the Habitable Zone. When they began looking they found overwhelming possibilities that there are other planets like Earth that exist all over the universe. Kryon says there is family just like us and they are everywhere. This Star Family will introduce themselves someday but they can’t do so yet because you are still too dangerous and fearful of them. The portrayal of ET’s in movies show them as coming to take from you and destroy you. You have put your own Human consciousness onto them. However, the main thrust of what you will discover is a family of lov

pt 1 Group Zoom Meeting UFOs

EARTH'S SECRET VISITORS - ARE THEY HERE TO HELP US   Zoom Chat blog post    What an interesting zoom meeting I attended on Feb 24, 2024. I honestly didn't know what to expect and was amazed by all the information that Lisa Nelson shared. Lisa is the author of EARTH'S SECRET VISITORS - ARE THEY HERE TO HELP US ?  Lisa Nelson's book can be purchased on Amazon here is the link to the book Earth's Secret Visitors: Are they here to help us? by Lisa M Nelson I met this author tonight in a zoom meeting and can't wait to read the book. I will be posting the zoom meeting to my blog and will update everyone with the link next week! — Scotty (@StLHandyMan) February 25, 2024 I mentioned this book and the suggestions to not get hoodwinked and how to tell if there is a holographic insert. The story she shared about was mind blowing! It explains how and

Chats with Corey - Q&A Livestream March 2023

disclosure is at hand

disclosure is at hand. the blind will soon see. Thank you for what you are doing. Peace. — systembuster (@stlsystembuster) November 23, 2022 ‘ Nobody can stop what's coming. There are millions of galactic alliance members just waiting for go ahead, ships are awaiting nearby & many ships underground in earth time for dark forces to leave or be taken away No more messing around with children of light. @Vrinda45968203 — (⁠。⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠。⁠ (@blissbunny2) November 23, 2022 I’m not a conspiracy theorist and I don’t read conspiracy theories. I’m sharing telepathic info from Pleiadians. Angels of Genesis, Parents of humanity, Protectors of Earth, who remain with us to prepare us through adversity and morality tests to become a galactic civilization. — Kab (@Kabamur_Taygeta) November 23, 2022

The True Story of Humanity

the history of humanity as told by the Pleiadians