Showing posts with label Ascension. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ascension. Show all posts

Saturday, November 9, 2024

653 Alba Weinman - The Council of Light talk about Ascension


Here is the photo album of the drawings mentioned. Note there is 238 photos of thousands the artist has done over the years.  

Kelantic Drawings and Art

The entire video is below. skip ahead 3/4 of the way for the ascension info.  The entire video is worth listening too!  

Monday, April 3, 2023

Law of One - Ascension Glossary

The Law of One is the comprehension that all things are made of intelligent energy and are a part of the All-One. The Law of One contains the Sacred Sciences which explain the mechanics of Christ Consciousness that comprise the Natural Laws that are governing the Universal Creation. All-One is the recognition that the Eternal Truth is Eternal Love and that state of Eternal Love is the organic consciousness of Infinite Creator or God Source. Eternal Love consciousness embodied within a form is referred to as Unity intelligence, and is simultaneously recognized as the Inner Light of Christos. Unity consciousness is at One with God and this Unity consciousness is that which ignites the Inner Light of Christos held as an eternal flame within the Sacred Crystal Heart. The Inner Light of Christos when actualized into a manifest form, is the embodiment of an Eternal God Human that holds the title of a Cosmic Citizen and therefore is GSF. When we practice expressing Loving Kindness we build Unity Consciousness that is directly reflected as the true nature and holy image of God’s Love, and this Inner Holy Spirit of the sacred heart flame is eternally protected within angelic humans. Be At One with All, as One is All with God. Every Soul is taking the same spiritual journey, but each soul has evolved at different levels within the manifested Timelines. The teachings of the Law of One describe the spiritual laws that govern angelic humanity's spiritual evolution for each dimension that exists within the Universal Time Matrix. It is a single philosophical system of World Humanism, which merges cosmology, science, Human Rights and spiritualism.

Law of One - Ascension Glossary

Monday, November 7, 2022

AKATU ~ About Souls

Friends Of Earth!

As We Continue To Bring The Light Of Truth And Knowledge To Your Being, Understand Fully That Your Soul Is Quite Aware Of All Information Shared.  

In Expanded Consciousness This Is Your Experience!

We Are Messengers To Remind You Of Many Aspects Of Life You Chose To Forget To Allow Awakening In Form As You Break The Matrix Into Dust And Remember Who You Really Are!

Allow These Moments To Take You To Places In Your Waking Dream. Things Forgotten. Other Moments Will Be Exciting As You Realize Your Own Personal Experience At Play!

You Are A Whole Complete Soul With All Parallel Lives Integrated. This Dream Is The Completion And Joining Of All Aspects Of Dreams You Perceive As Past.

Knowing This Dream Will No Longer Experience 'Walk In' Souls, We Will Review What This Term Means. There Are Soul Plans With Intention For Each Waking Dream. If The Purpose Involves Others And There Will Be A Great Difference If The Soul Leaves The Body Before The Plan Is Accomplished, Another Soul Can Enter And Take Over As The Other Soul Leaves. Often Family And Friends Can Clearly Tell That Many Aspects Are Different. But Not Knowing About 'Walk Ins' They Simply Believe Their Loved One Has Changed. There Are Also Situations Of Great Body Trauma Or Injury And The Soul Is Dealing With A Personality That Is Challenging And Working Against The Plan. Another Soul Will Discuss This And Agree To Take Over. In These Cases, The Body Often Heals As The New Soul Gains Control And Assists. Remember Always That You Are Not The Person Or False Identity. You Are The Soul.

Now We Will Speak Of The Ten Significant Souls That Each Soul Chooses For Interaction Throughout Their Waking Dream. Five Of These Souls Will Be Human Beings Playing A Significant Role In Your Life. They May Be A Villain, A Great Love, A Friend, Neighbor Or Family Member. They Will Be In Your Life Exactly As Planned By Both Of You Before You Arrived! They Act As A Catalyst For Growth And Change. They Open You To Love And Expand. This Is Sometimes With Love And Other Times With Grief And Loss. The Intention Is Always Working On Your Behalf To Enrich Your Life And Experience! The Other Five Souls Are Non-Physical. They Are Sometimes Guides Or Family Members That Choose To Remain In A Density Unseen After Leaving Their Body In Physical Death. They Can Be Visitors From Your Origin Or Friends From Other Stars. They Have Loved You Deeply And Agreed With Your Soul To Remain With You!

Many Of You Will Remember Exit Points In Your Waking Dream! There Are Seven Exit Points For Each Waking Dream. You Will Notice Some Leave As Infants. Some As Children. The Age Of A Human Is Insignificant To A Soul With An Infinite Life. If The Purpose Of Intention Is Complete, A Soul May Choose To Leave. Many Have Reported Leaving Their Body In An Accident Or Illness And Observing From Above The Scene. This Is An Exit Point. The Choice Is The Soul's Intention. The Soul May Enter The Body Again And Experience The Recovery As The Human Feels Pain And Slowly Recovers. There Will Continue To Be Deaths Of The Body Until The Shift. Some Of These Souls Will Return To Origin And Meet You As You Shift To SHEEN. Others Will Choose To Remain With You In Non-Physical Until The Shift.

Find Joy In Living Now! 

Know That Life Is Happening For You And Not To You!

You Are The Beloved Souls Of Light!

In Love And Power, You Live Without End!


I Love You So!


Follow Kab the Pleiadian on twitter here:

Messages and Information from 7D Taygeta Pleiadians / 

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Ascension News, Galactic Court Update, 4th Dimension Info

Saturday, October 22, 2022

2 important truths in this video listed below

David Wilcock is Dropping Truths and Connections that are not known by most and how the "Earth Cycles" bring needed changes and what we will get to experience in this life. > Karma and Ascension!  1:00:45 Mark in the Rumble Video below


The 2nd Important thing of note in this video is at the beginning of the vid. 

Did you see that Australia Government Officials are holding people at Gunpoint to make sure they get the vaccinated? 

Do you know that everyone in Australia previously turned over all their guns to the government?  Let that be a warning for America. Don't Give Up Your Second Amendment Rights.





Saturday, May 8, 2021

Ascension Teaching

Ascension Teaching
Taking Responsibility as We Ascend

It is with Saturn that we learn that every thought, word and action has an impact and an outcome, and it depends on our main intention that this outcome will benefit All or not at all.

If what we created while we still dwelt in an unconscious state of being, still accompanies us in some way, hurts us and does not let us live, then we need to take full responsibility, and find a way to heal ourselves by first understanding that we did the best we could, from the level of consciousness that we had at that time.

We are at a time when taking responsibility for our actions as well as personal healing process, is pivotal. In the moment we chose to evolve, stepping into a conscious journey, it is our duty to take responsibility for who we are and for all we have created.

Our body is our sacred vehicle, it is the Divine conduit for us to be able to have a human experience and provide us with the protection required for us to grow and ascend, while we are in the physical.

There is no way back when we begin on this evolutionary journey. There is no more blaming others or outer circumstances for what we are experiencing now, as we know that even though we may pretend that it has not been our own creation, everything that we are experiencing is what we have given birth.

If on the contrary, we are already conscious, then we will have to understand why we have created an outcome or situation that is not yet aligned with who we are now.

Mastery takes time and inner work, for working with all kinds of energies, ourselves, and above all, the ego, is one of the hardest things to do. Therefore, we need to be compassionate with ourselves, remembering that we are never judged and that we all have our own time to learn how to create results that are harmless.

Many times, we still carry within old energies that continue creating in our present reality undesired outcomes. Other times, it is an unconscious pattern that we need to bring into the surface and dissolve. Being conscious indeed does it all.

However, sometimes being aware is the most difficult thing and we need assistance to find out what we, covered by our own delusions, are not able to see.

In the moment that we stop blaming others, it is that we are finally able to search for the seed of our actions, the original wound, realizing where the pain is located, so we can deal with it.

However, it is when we deny our responsibility that we cannot heal what damages us, for we are putting, the power and hence the solution in others rather than within ourselves.

It is time for all to begin working differently, moving from self-blame and shame to conscious creation, seeing where we simply lack in self-mastery and beginning to create, again, in the best way that we know now, as it is by continuing moving forward in our personal evolution that we learn to work with ourselves, energies, obtaining the desired outcomes.

Vulnerability is our strength, never our shame. If we open our hearts to all experiences, embracing them as unique and wonderful opportunities to integrate more love and mastery, we will finally step from victimhood to empowerment, which is the first step towards sovereignty.

In this endless evolutionary journey, we all need to work on being more compassionate and kinder towards ourselves, for if there is not a God who punishes or judges us, why would we do it to ourselves? Why would we spend most of our precious human lifetimes blaming and beating ourselves up for past actions?

There is no need for us to continue believing in the old programs of blame and punishment that were once implanted upon all of us.

The moment for us to clear them and see our beauty, as well as innocence, has come, for only by seeing ourselves as compassionate lovelight beings remembering in a human plane who we really are, is that we could move into a wider perspective of our own human experience, and begin to take responsibility to heal, dissolve or transform what is in need of, without any blame or shame, but with great respect and gratitude for all we have learnt, moving forward into what will be our next adventure.

You all have the power to choose differently, at every single second.

What will you choose next?

Will you choose to be an empowered sovereign being?

Or will you choose to allow others to create your own reality?

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba

Ascension Teaching

Monday, April 5, 2021

scotty, they will not understand ascension status... -

 Old to New Energy 

April 4, 2021 From Kryon Book VIII – Passing The Marker – Page 126 

 Those in the old energy who have refused to accept any of the new gifts and have stayed with the old ways now have a final invitation to come on-board this new millennium train. The steps have been small over these last years since 1987, and many could have moved from the old to the new energy slowly, incorporating their knowledge and enhancing their lives. Some of them have refused, however, and stick to the old ways.       

Whereas the transition from old to new could have been made gradually, it will now be a giant leap for them. So there will be those who will stay in the old energy, calling themselves Lightworkers and calling you “wrong.” 

 They will not understand ascension status nor see the gifts that are available. They will tell you that they have earned their knowledge with their experience and that you could not have these new things without “paying your dues” as they have.   

 Many of them will say goodbye to you, and there will be a split. This is Human nature, is it not? But this is what was foretold and expected of such a dramatic shift.    ~ KRYON

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

DC and Esoteric Look-in

I have to keep this short because of ongoing events. Here's why events that transpired in DC were allowed by the White Hats (ultimately - by The Light, for the highest good), and how the 144K intervention ultimately resulted in 'We The People' symbolically retaking power. 1) Everyone knew (let alone the White Hats) about Cabal agents (agent provocateurs/false flags) would start violence and/or storm the Capitol Building 2) This was allowed, to now justify and SHOW the 30% - 20% or so of the un-awakened population still following Cabal [mainstream] media ... the need for & thus invocation of ... the Insurrection Act by President Trump. They can't argue against it now. 3) Upon the activation of the Insurrection Act (which might happen tonight or sometime over the next 10 days) by President Trump, the White Hats can now complete or execute the bulk of the mass arrests. This still may happen secretly, behind the scenes. 4) This is still wroth it, even if 'Trump supporters' get blamed by Cabal media. 5) the Mayor of DC (Cabal Agent) could have easily prevented the storming of the Capitol Building. 6) Although it was carried out by Cabal agents - the storming of the Capitol Building was still symbolic of We The People reclaiming/retaking power from the Cabal ... at about ("coincidentally") the same time our 144K Mass Meditation was ending. 7) After all this happened, Cobra then recognized the need to call for a Mass Meditation 8) The 6pm curfew in DC is for the prevention of the planned Cabal (Antifa/BLM) attacks on Trump supporters (as they disperse into smaller vulnerable groups) ... and rioting ... looting, etc. Once again ... the 144K was there, on the ground (literally) in the thick of the action - holding the Light - & most likely prevented more gunfire & violence from taking place & lighting up the whole DC area for the people to reclaim DC. Hold your ground ... stand for the Light ... & rest up for the last 144K Meditation in about 90 minutes. Times & live platform links below!

Wednesday, December 2, 2020



Psychic Collab, Deep State Takedown, 5D


Incredible conversation from the powerful warrior, Former Navy Seal and Remote Viewer, Michael Jaco, from "Unleashing Intuition Secrets":

https://unleashing-intuition1.teachab... Michael's Channel: ****** FOR ALL JC KAY LINKS - GO TO:

psychology they are saying what I want to hear

The psychological phenomenon of "hearing what you want to hear" or confirmation bias , where people selectively attend to informat...