Showing posts with label tumblr censorship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tumblr censorship. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

First Amendment Censoship Blog Series pt 1

Here is how I let the tweets write the story 

The prior blog postings can be viewed here

Blog Post No3 in a blog series on Freedom of Speech rights that everyone in the United States of America is granted under the First Amendment Rights of the United States Constituion.

The coincidental synchronicty of the past few days where I have actually been designing DIY Press Pass Identification Badges and actually applying for a International Press Pass with US Press Agency (examples below).  I happily report the Offical Internation Press Pass Application is currently in review as I write this blog post up.  If anyone would like to financialy support my endeavor to obtain this official Press Pass let me know.

International Press Pass US Press Agency

  • Thanks to USPA, an international press pass is now also available for part-time journalists and media professionals.
  • You´re likely aware of the problem - press associations exclude an important group from receiving press passes. If you are a journalist or media professional who is only working part time, you´ve probably been denied your own press pass in the past. Another issue: Event organizers nowadays want to know for which agency you work - in most cases, your membership in an association is of little importance.
  • Become a member of USPA now and get your international press pass. As a recognized and official press agency, we are authorized to issue press passes and are open to all contributing editors, photojournalists and other people with journalistic ambitions.
  • We are the strong partner at your side. USPA News is our news agency and warrantor of your journalistic occupation. Market your articles and photos through USPA News and name USPA News whenever you are asked for your agency - all doors will be open to you!

Irregardless of whether I obtain an offical press pass registered with this agency my blog posts exposing corruption are still PROTECTED under the First Amedment of the United States Constitution.

And this is why I have designed this DIY press badge. I still have writes as a blogger under the 1st Amendment Free Speech Clause.  I've been blogging and exposing corruption on Numerous Blogs owned by myself and others for years.  In addition to social media accounts on twitter, facebook, and tumblr. 

DIY Press Pass Scotty
Scottys DIY Press Pass Badge

my actual censorship list of my Freedom of Speech violations is rather lengthy

All of my Social Media Accounts that expose corruption of Politicians, Laws, Regulations, wrong doings of Corporations and companies have been censored, shadowbanned, and removed numerous times as the readers of this blog, blog 1, blog 2, blog 3, tumblr 1, Photo Archive 1, Photo Archive 2, Facebook 1, Facebook 2, twitter 1, and twitter 2  ... . 

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