Showing posts with label Full Disclosure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Full Disclosure. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 14, 2024



 Kryon gives a series of four channels on mysteries. Kryon talks about our galactic family. Do Extra-Terrestrial’s exists? Yes, extra-terrestrials exist and yet there are scientists that would disagree. Science is just beginning to discover entanglement that has reality shifts that is not your physics. Scientists and astronomers have wondered if there are other planets like Earth in what they call the Habitable Zone. When they began looking they found overwhelming possibilities that there are other planets like Earth that exist all over the universe. Kryon says there is family just like us and they are everywhere. This Star Family will introduce themselves someday but they can’t do so yet because you are still too dangerous and fearful of them. The portrayal of ET’s in movies show them as coming to take from you and destroy you. You have put your own Human consciousness onto them. However, the main thrust of what you will discover is a family of love who has known you were here and has been waiting for you to find a higher consciousness. There is love and ascended consciousness in the galaxies of your universe.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

disclosure is at hand

Friday, July 22, 2022

Confirmation of Sorts

Months ago I had heard the whitehats were slowing up the NESARA. Years ago David Wilcock and Corey Goode mentioned our own Military was behind the stopping of Full Disclosure of Alien / UFO.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Share 🤯 SYMBOLISM ANALYSIS: The Matrix 4 “Resurrections” trailer

Disclosure in plain sight! h/t Majestic Eyes Only

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🤯 CONPLAN-8888 🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️🧟 The Matrix 4 “Resurrections” trailer analysis (continued) 🆕 Majestic 12 💬

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Earth as a Prison Planet


This is an historical overview of how the Earth has been run as a prison planet through secret agreements between the Cabal/Deep State and their Reptilian extraterrestrial overlords. 

The film introduces modern day plans to engineer wars, poverty, disease and genetic modifications that all contribute to covertly fulfilling these agreements. The recent proposal to create techno-governments in the US State of Nevada is shown to be yet another means by which the Deep State minions of these alien visitors can hide their operations and fulfillment of these agreements. 

As more individuals awaken to the contrived nature of modern wars, health crises, and economic collapse, the masses are rising up in open resistance to the Deep State. What will accelerate this Great Awakening is full disclosure of suppressed advanced technologies, secret space programs and a Galactic Federation waiting for humanity to reclaim its galactic heritage.

I wish to thank my incredibly talented and inspired wife, Angelika Whitecliff, for the many hours she devoted to creating this short film and raising public awareness of these critical issues. 

Michael Salla, Ph.D. Short Film Links: Exopolitics Website: March 27, 2021, \

Webinar Intensive: The Great Awakening vs Global Reset: How Full Disclosure Trumps Transhumanism & Artificial Intelligence:…56 Take this viral and share with the world!

psychology they are saying what I want to hear

The psychological phenomenon of "hearing what you want to hear" or confirmation bias , where people selectively attend to informat...