Showing posts with label the reaper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the reaper. Show all posts

Sunday, February 26, 2023

The Viking’s Message to the Remnants

The Viking’s Message to the Remnants (Kim Goguen – Part 1)
The Viking has since been outed as working for the Order of the Black Sun.
Refer to my related posts:
1. Backstage at the Order of the Black Sun
2. The Viking’s Order to Infiltrate Assemblies | Fallout from Ending Dark AI System JAIQS | Black Sun’s Slave Master of the Week | IBM Watson Could Have Replaced AZURE | Who is Lowell “the Patent Guy” Wood? – Part 1

The Viking

An extremely interesting man called ‘The Viking’ was introduced on this 11/15/2020 Zoom call. This is a code name of course, although his background really is of the Ruse Viking. Some of the other code names he is known by are ‘The Reaper’ and ‘The Destroyer’. His role is the ‘Hunter of Aliens That Kill’. His domain is in the levels above this earthly plane, in the hierarchies that exist above our earthly government. This sounds all very Sci-Fi, until I reminded myself that the world he resides in has to be more real than the one we’ve been living in.

The Viking’s Letter to the Remnants

[Note: My dictation of The Viking’s letter below based on Kim Goguen’s re-reading is nearly verbatim.]

“As a previous Field Commander with a 64-65 global clearance level, and one of your researchers at cosmic levels, there has now come a need to reach out to you. You mentored me for 40 years and allowed me to live despite my refusal to cross over to the dark side of the global deep state and participate in the 911 ritual sacrifice. Therefore, that deed shall now be returned in this message to all of you. Use it to save your own lives as this chance is given for a short time. How do you think it could be possible to uproot and destroy the world you live in with all the promises of escape to somewhere else out of harms way when destruction falls upon planet Earth? Whether below the surface or sharing the heavenly planet with your gods, you never considered that something could go awry with what you have been promised. You are no different than the human God believers you laugh at.

There has been an intergalactic intervention of catastrophic proportion for your alien gods and for you. They have been declared guilty of crimes against their own creations and summarily executed. Father, Son and Holy Ghost, gone from existence forever. You, the remnants are no longer welcome anywhere in the cosmos for your participation with their crimes. Some of you have been told this before, but refuse to believe. This message is shared now as things have escalated again. What you must consider at transition time for each of you is what you are going to do with no place to run and no place to hide. No gods and no help at all. In fact, you will be hated and hunted wherever you go, as an enemy of existence itself.

Perhaps your leaders, heads of families, groups of whatever kind have withheld this information from the majority of you. That’s too bad, as you will be caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time, hence this warning. There is a way out of your dilemma if you choose wisely. Knowing how to fix yourselves enough to continue existing is what’s being offered here. Continuing your current path of self-destruction will soon be dealt with. Consider the intervention that devoured your gods and all of their technology. What chance have you? Do you really think there will be another Godfather or Pindar allowed on Earth? You will not be afforded a deadline. You will not know your end. Decide now while you still can.”

The Viking-

To learn more about The Order and what has ensued over the last couple of years, be sure to check out my previous posts which is a Six Part Series based on Kim’s Education/Intel Sharing:

  1. The Viking’s Message to the Remnants (Kim Goguen – Part 1)
  2. A Hierarchy in Shambles (Kim Goguen – Part 2)
  3. The Enforcer, Our Central Sun & The End of the Loosh Farm (Kim Goguen – Part 3)
  4. Kane is Abel (Kim Goguen – Part 4)
  5. A Tale of 2 Covens: Losers in the Fight for World Domination (Kim Goguen – Part 5)
  6. Heads Roll! A Very Merry Christmas Indeed! (Kim Goguen – Part 6)

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