Showing posts with label ancient history. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ancient history. Show all posts

Saturday, April 1, 2023

A Deeper Conversation...Giant Trees

After watching Chad's video 'Mother Earth: Ley Lines, Meridians & Giant Trees,' & "Mother Earth:  Amusement Parks, Asylums & the Old World,"  I shared some thoughts with him from my perspective on those videos and he set up this interview for me with him in which we discuss our different perspectives concerning man-made vs. natural, and in the course of conversation coming from different perspectives, we find common ground upon which our ideas merge together.

I reference the two-part "Bonanza! Correlation of Mines & Minerals to the Earth’s Grid System" series I just uploaded in this conversation, which I had originally uploaded 3-years ago as a 4-part series.   

Chad's excellent video-editing of our conversation included clips from the movie "Avatar."  After my conversation with Chad, I decided to merge the original four-part series into two and re-upload it.  

In the course of updating the  "Bonanza! Correlation of Mines & Minerals to the Earth’s Grid System" series,  it became abundantly clear to me that Avatar's "Pandora" and Earth are one and the same  in terms of what has been taking place here on Earth with regards to indiscriminate mining and the destruction of trees and the ecosystem in the process.

Bonanza! The Correlation of Mines & Minerals - Part 1 Cape Farewell, Greenland to Merida, Mexico:
Bonanza! The Correlation of Mines & Minerals - Part 1 Cape Farewell, Greenland to Merida, Mexico:    • Bonanza! The Corr...  

Bonanza! Correlation of Mines & Minerals to the Earth’s Grid System - Pt 2 Cape Farewell to Maldives:    • Bonanza! Correlat...  

Links to Chad's videos upon which are conversation was based:

Mother Earth: Ley Lines, Meridians & Giant Trees:   

Mother Earth: Amusement Parks, Asylums & the Old World:    • Mother Earth: Amu...  

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Sumerian-Egypt Invasion 5500 Years Ago

The Final Setback in the Negative Alien Invasion of the planet earth. This is the point in our current historical record where the human DNA was unplugged and all Galactic Wars memories and our true origins were erased from our memories by the NAA races.

5500 years ago the NAA groups rip a 5D wormhole into Sakkara, Egypt.

They settled into Sumeria and rewrote human history from 5500 years ago at time of Annunaki and NAA groups Invasion. We are told that the earliest written records of our history and language is the Sumerian Tablets.

This begins the promotion of a false history, and False Father God Religion that the Jehovian-Annunaki are the creator Gods of Humanity. The Fallen Melchizedeks and Draconian based Roman Catholics promote the distortions into Alien religions that promote Religious Violence.

Indoctrination into Violent Religions, Patriarchal Domination, Reincarnation Recycling into the Astral Plane, and the Victim-Victimizer Mind Control enslavement agenda for Earth humans.

This is the Final Setback – There is no further communication with extra-dimensional Christos Races with the genetic manipulation and installed Frequency Fences which unplug human DNA and place a NET around the earth.

Lisa Renee, Energetic Synthesis, Ascension Glossary, Sumerian-Egypt Invasion

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Smithsonian - Egypt Cataclysm 12,000 Years Ago - The CEO Astral World ...

The Great Flood, Atlantis, Early Wars, Early Humans, Anunnaki...

Anunnaki photo found on pinterest where surprisingly are good leads for additional research with proof. They were also the ones who brought nuclear to the earth and is involved in the 'flood story' per the research i've been doing on cleaning up nuclear pollution that is poisoning my stlouis neighbors. 

image source:

psychology they are saying what I want to hear

The psychological phenomenon of "hearing what you want to hear" or confirmation bias , where people selectively attend to informat...