Showing posts with label federal reserve. Show all posts
Showing posts with label federal reserve. Show all posts

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Wake Up Call – New World Order (Full Doc / 2008)

For all the people who somehow think that something in the government has changed because of the election, this is your WAKE UP CALL! Before you dismiss this film as some sort of conspiracy nonsense, I challenge you to DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH on the topics covered! Its time to WAKE UP!

Topics Covered: The New World Order, Federal Reserve, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council On Foreign Relations, North American Union, The Rockefeller / Rothschild Families, Freemasonry, Bohemian Grove, The Illuminati, Illuminati Symbolism, Problem Reaction Solution, 9/11, War Profiteering, The Phony 'War On Terrorism', The Impending 'Big Brother Surveillance Society', The War On Civil Liberties, Microchipping, Mind Control, Media Control And 'Education System' Indoctrination.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Pt 6 Censorship TIE STRENGTH Bank Run

If the illuminati clan was not worried about their never ending monitary slush fund courtesy of the Federal Reserve they would not be worried about our tweets in re to the Banking Crisis Bank Run that exposes the behind the scenes freedom of speech censorship activities of the Political Hacks that represent- We The People.

This blog post will show mine and other tweets in regard to the underhanding Banking Industry Banking Crisis expose the Tie Strength that builds BRIDGES  of actual Power that WE THE PEOPLE have.  

its all about #tiestrength and #bridgebuilding and how each individual> no matter how small> is relative to how we all fit together as pieces in this giant puzzle of life

I first learned about Tie Strength and Bridge Building when I was checking to see if I was Shadow Banned on Twitter SUNDAY 11.6.2022  SHADOWBAN TEST REPORT UPDATE:  If you have ever wondered why your tweets are not reaching a wider audience, try out the ShadowBan Tester like I did today.

  • Tie Strength: Defined by the linear combination of time, emotional intensity, intimacy and reciprocity (i.e. mutuality). Strong ties are associated with homophily, propinquity and transitivity, while weak ties are associated with bridges. tweet

  • The Structural Hole filled by my tweets aka #SystemBuster are the Truth the Cabal and its minions do not want publicized. aka the #Bridge needed in this #Matrix of Good vs Evil. tweet

Illuminati Minions only remain in power posititions becasue they have controlled the money supply all around the world since the Babylonian days. Which is why its called Babylonian Money Magic this all started long ago with:

  • The Silk Road was a network of trade routes connecting China and the Far East with the Middle East and Europe. Established when the Han Dynasty in China officially opened trade with the West in 130 B.C 
  •  the Templars in particular performed another function for travellers to the holy land. They were the first European bankers. A person could deposit funds at the Paris Temple, be issued with a credit note and redeem it later elsewhere, or use the funds as security for a loan. Kings, nobles, clergy and merchants as well as pilgrims made use of this service.

The control of the money has keep these Illuminati Bankers [Federal Reserve] that work behind the scenes all around the globe and continue to this day and age.  This is why when We The People expose their actions in the latest banking crisis is why the Bankers who control the Big Tech Industry that censorship is needed. 

Since the Illuminati Cabal Minions also control the Political Hacks that sure seem to dictate every move: is why the ZOOM meeting took place the other night over FEAR that WE THE PEOPLE will upset the monitary slush fund that takes the controlling power away from the Bankers

I first learned about this zoom meeting from this Political Hack when he tweeted this info: 
@RepThomasMassie Mar 12 Just got off of a zoom meeting with Fed, Treasury, FDIC, House, and Senate. A Democrat Senator essentially asked whether there was a program in place to censor information on social media that could lead to a run on the banks. tweet

I replied and made a few screenshots of the comments

 @stlsystembuster Mar 13 Replying to @RepThomasMassie Note To Self. #FOIA request and use these tweets as a quote for info  #bankrun #censorship tweet

From here on out: Here is how I let the tweets write the story 

End of Pt 6 Tie Strength Bank Run Blog Post. Here is additional info on the substack article and preceeding First Amendment Free Speech Blog Series. Pt 7 Free Speech Blog Series will cover additional information about the ongoing banking crisis and replies to the previous tweets.

Censorship Activities are well noted here are just a few examples from the article on substrack.



Here is how I let the tweets write the story 

psychology they are saying what I want to hear

The psychological phenomenon of "hearing what you want to hear" or confirmation bias , where people selectively attend to informat...