For all the people who somehow think that something in the government has changed because of the election, this is your WAKE UP CALL! Before you dismiss this film as some sort of conspiracy nonsense, I challenge you to DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH on the topics covered! Its time to WAKE UP!
I believe the power is in our hands to build a world that will benefit everyone. I AM a 'System Buster'. Those who may read this blog will plainly see how I AM part of the crew busting the matrix to pieces by my sharing of Truth . I AM all about solutions to problems and refuse to think or believe that GOD did not provide a solution to every problem imaginable.
Sunday, April 2, 2023
Wake Up Call – New World Order (Full Doc / 2008)
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Pt 6 Censorship TIE STRENGTH Bank Run
If the illuminati clan was not worried about their never ending monitary slush fund courtesy of the Federal Reserve they would not be worried about our tweets in re to the Banking Crisis Bank Run that exposes the behind the scenes freedom of speech censorship activities of the Political Hacks that represent- We The People.
This blog post will show mine and other tweets in regard to the underhanding Banking Industry Banking Crisis expose the Tie Strength that builds BRIDGES of actual Power that WE THE PEOPLE have.
its all about #tiestrength and #bridgebuilding and how each individual> no matter how small> is relative to how we all fit together as pieces in this giant puzzle of life
I first learned about Tie Strength and Bridge Building when I was checking to see if I was Shadow Banned on Twitter SUNDAY 11.6.2022 SHADOWBAN TEST REPORT UPDATE: If you have ever wondered why your tweets are not reaching a wider audience, try out the ShadowBan Tester like I did today.
- Tie Strength: Defined by the linear combination of time, emotional intensity, intimacy and reciprocity (i.e. mutuality). Strong ties are associated with homophily, propinquity and transitivity, while weak ties are associated with bridges. tweet
- The Structural Hole filled by my tweets aka #SystemBuster are the Truth the Cabal and its minions do not want publicized. aka the #Bridge needed in this #Matrix of Good vs Evil. tweet
The control of the money has keep these Illuminati Bankers [Federal Reserve] that work behind the scenes all around the globe and continue to this day and age. This is why when We The People expose their actions in the latest banking crisis is why the Bankers who control the Big Tech Industry that censorship is needed.
- The Silk Road was a network of trade routes connecting China and the Far East with the Middle East and Europe. Established when the Han Dynasty in China officially opened trade with the West in 130 B.C
- the Templars in particular performed another function for travellers to the holy land. They were the first European bankers. A person could deposit funds at the Paris Temple, be issued with a credit note and redeem it later elsewhere, or use the funds as security for a loan. Kings, nobles, clergy and merchants as well as pilgrims made use of this service.
@RepThomasMassie Mar 12 Just got off of a zoom meeting with Fed, Treasury, FDIC, House, and Senate. A Democrat Senator essentially asked whether there was a program in place to censor information on social media that could lead to a run on the banks. tweet
I replied and made a few screenshots of the comments
@stlsystembuster Mar 13 Replying to @RepThomasMassie Note To Self. #FOIA request and use these tweets as a quote for info #bankrun #censorship tweet
Todays UNN show situation report by KimPossible was all about the #bankingcrash who caused it and why, needless to say it was yet another failed attempt by the remaining #blacksun minions > Watch 13-MAR-23 NEWS 1
— systembuster (@stlsystembuster) March 13, 2023
Here is the last of #kimpossibles report from todays show. 13-MAR-23 NEWS 1
— systembuster (@stlsystembuster) March 13, 2023
#quote: Jacob Rothschild passed away last weekend 80+ yrs old. Nathan Rothschild is running the family biz now. h/t KimPossible 13-MAR-23 NEWS 1
— systembuster (@stlsystembuster) March 13, 2023
@NinaBrooke8 b/c I've been reporting and sharing info about #kimpossible and how she quoted the deep state locations around the world is why I see the connection to all the "blog reader locations" I mentioned in this tweet yesterday:
— systembuster (@stlsystembuster) March 13, 2023
Government using NGOs and "private individuals" to do its otherwise illegal dirty work in manipulating Americans. @OpenAI
— Carla Venezia (@carla_venezia) March 18, 2023
Also confirmed in was the Political Hacks comment and my feeling that a FOIA request should be done! I knew there was more to the story when this Politician mentioned this!!!
— systembuster (@stlsystembuster) March 13, 2023
@pulte You mentioned something about a reward for info about the #BankingCrisis, too funny expecting the Handlers to Police themselves and bring charges against their own puppet masters for #SVBCollapse had to be a joke right?
— systembuster (@stlsystembuster) March 13, 2023
lstwk: Chuck Grassley Chastises Kim but Gives Her Credibility Instead for Creating New Money Bypassing the Fed, Kim Says THANK YOU! | Kim Puts a Hold on Her 2 Deposits at Wells Fargo & JP Morgan Chase While Useful Idiot/Jackass General Milley & Company |
— systembuster (@stlsystembuster) March 14, 2023 18,729 people they consider to be loyal to the Order (BlackSun) and these people are everywhere. > today #kimpossible said only 350 remain.
— systembuster (@stlsystembuster) March 14, 2023
@CathyCathyFox once again I found synchronicity is what you were sharing about #blacksun today and info I was posting.
— systembuster (@stlsystembuster) March 14, 2023
— systembuster (@stlsystembuster) March 14, 2023
@pulte how do you suggest to get the Cabal to police themselves? Are their any honest ones left? @FedReserveJobs
— systembuster (@stlsystembuster) March 14, 2023
I've previously tagged the @TheJusticeDept in this thread:
.@pulte I'm not a whistleblower I AM a citizen journalist who exposes corruption. Put your money where your mouth is and lets catch the crooks.
— systembuster (@stlsystembuster) March 14, 2023
Remember Kim (Gogeun) gave everyone read-only access into the (KIMS) system and they can click on a particular country and then an individual and actually see who’s who in the zoo.
— systembuster (@stlsystembuster) March 14, 2023
@realstewpeters here is a story lead on the #bankingcollapse and my quest to hold @pulte to his offer of $50,000 to catch the crooks.
— systembuster (@stlsystembuster) March 14, 2023
— systembuster (@stlsystembuster) March 14, 2023
oops doesn't look like the #blacksun #fedreserve #Bankcollapse likes their dirty secrets exposed I just check my #shadowban w/
— systembuster (@stlsystembuster) March 14, 2023
Now I see why I had the "search suggestion ban" in prior tweet!
— systembuster (@stlsystembuster) March 14, 2023
My FOIA request is building w/ more info!!!! #FirstAmedment #censorship #bankrun #BankingCrisis #Bankcollapse
@ShellenbergerMD thanks for confirming this info I found yesterday.
— systembuster (@stlsystembuster) March 14, 2023
@shae33172 have you supersluethed any info that I should include in Pt6 of #censorship #freespeech blog series I started last month? What a turn of events.
— systembuster (@stlsystembuster) March 14, 2023
for those with short memories about the last time the banks were in trouble here is a clue:
— systembuster (@stlsystembuster) March 14, 2023
Quantum Financial System / Multiverse Everything Everywhere / Falkland Islands Channeling
— systembuster (@stlsystembuster) March 14, 2023
LIVE! The Banking System Crisis Is FAR From Over. Important Updates. Man...
— systembuster (@stlsystembuster) March 14, 2023
End of Pt 6 Tie Strength Bank Run Blog Post. Here is additional info on the substack article and preceeding First Amendment Free Speech Blog Series. Pt 7 Free Speech Blog Series will cover additional information about the ongoing banking crisis and replies to the previous tweets.My #bankingcrisis #bankrun #censorship #firstamendment #FreeSpeechIsFundamental Pt6 blog series will highlight how the Cabals Banksters aka #FDIC #FederalReserve are worried about th Accounts that are exposing the Scam with our #TIESTRENGTH
— systembuster (@stlsystembuster) March 14, 2023
The prior blog postings can be viewed here
- Part 1: First Amendment Censoship Blog Series pt 1
- Part 2: pt 2 1st Amedment Blog Series
- Tweet Thread 1: Pt 1 Tweet Thread 1st Amendment Freedom of Speech Censorship
- Tweet Thread 2: pt 2 1st Amedment Blog Series
- Pt4 in the 1st Amendment Blog Series
- Tweet Thread its all about the #bankingcrash who caused it and why, needless to say it was yet another failed attempt by the remaining #blacksun minions >
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