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Showing posts with the label Pt2 AWS Demonstration Video

AWS Cluster Map Connections

Cluster Map Update 7/19/24 I am shocked at the new cluster map connections with AWS .  Here is the latest update on my AWS Election 2024 research paper. I have used Little Sis to start on this Cluster Map.  I've requested from little sis to allow me to add connections into their database that they are not aware of to make this a more detailed map showing additional connections and lists. I'm not giving up and will fight thru all the computer issues and get this info available and online, for all the readers and followers of the aws election paper excuse the tardiness please bear with me.  It is taking me longer than anticipated to get everything organized and presentable. I am using a backup computer and it is not cooperating at all.  What I can usually do in a few minutes takes hours and is so frustrating it makes me want to pull my hair out-and I got alot of hair. Here is what I have completed so far.  This research paper by Scotty I hope you the viewer can connect the dots t

Pt2 AWS Demonstration Video

Pt2 AWS Demonstration Video  Pt 2: With ALL the data controlled by and in Amazon Web Services- known as AWS- it is not too far fetched to trace and track where and why all the problems with the Hacking, Data Breaches, and Election Fraud could ALL stem from. This research paper by Scotty I hope you the viewer can connect the dots that I found are glaringly obvious. Once again I'm going to let the tweets by @StLHandMan contribute to writing this “spoiler alert” research paper. Part 1 weblink AWS Spoiler Alert  The fullest public disclosure of the Deep State strategic move into the Elections all around the world have been uncovered by Scotty- who has done a through review of AWS activities, research into legalese of the Political Hacks and other Alphabet Agencies that are all in cahoots and using the Amazon Web Servers. Article by Reuters exposes the Revelation Of The Method viewable as webpage or google document To View this AWS Demonstration Slide Show Presenta