Listen carefully.... 🙈🙉🙊
— Joseph (@freedomfight369) April 1, 2022
I believe the power is in our hands to build a world that will benefit everyone. I AM a 'System Buster'. Those who may read this blog will plainly see how I AM part of the crew busting the matrix to pieces by my sharing of Truth . I AM all about solutions to problems and refuse to think or believe that GOD did not provide a solution to every problem imaginable.
Sunday, April 3, 2022
Health Ranger and Dr Judy interview
Monday, December 6, 2021
jab damages immune system ProjectSalus
addedt to my research file: Vaccination, The Jab, Big Pharma, Covid, Kill Shots. Infographics and Memes
— systembuster (@stlsystembuster) March 3, 2023
Project Salus data from the DoD / JAIC absolutely shatters the false narrative of Biden, Fauci, Walensky and other “authorities” who are still attempting to gaslight the American people into thinking that hospitals are filled with unvaccinated people.
#Salus (Latin- salus: safety, salvation, welfare) was a Roman goddess. She was the goddess of safety and well-being (welfare, health and prosperity) of both the individual and the state. -wiki-
— Scotty (@StLHandyMan) December 7, 2021
71% of COVID-19 “cases” were breakthrough cases (vaccine failures) once the Delta variant reached 90% spread across those infected
In reality, the vast majority of hospitalizations and deaths are occurring among those who were fully vaccinated, according to the 5.6 million people studied in this particular data set (Medicare).
- post-vaccine health outcomes are worsening over time
- meaning that the vaccines appear to be gradually damaging the immune system over subsequent months
- making vaccinated individuals far more vulnerable to subsequent infections
It comes as no surprise "Native Americans, Hispanics, and Blacks have the greatest risks of being hospitalized after the jab. h/t Health Ranger"
— Scotty (@StLHandyMan) December 7, 2021
The Cabal has been trying to kill off the Natives of every continent for eons. Is it b/c they were Earths 1st inhabitants???
This is the very definition of ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement), about which many analysts such as Dr. Sherri Tenpenny have warned. Now, it appears that ADE is no longer merely a theory but rather a confirmed phenomenon reflected in official Medicare data.
Attorney Thomas Renz told Natural News today that these data should immediately result in not just the FDA’s revocation of mRNA vaccine EUA and approval status, but that the FDA, Fauci and Big Pharma’s top executives should be sued under RICO Act violations for racketeering and organized crime. (He is requesting other attorneys to join in him in helping to accomplish this.)

Sunday, November 14, 2021
psychology they are saying what I want to hear
The psychological phenomenon of "hearing what you want to hear" or confirmation bias , where people selectively attend to informat...
added after posting 33 Ways To Get Rid Of Parasites: How To Cleanse Parasites For People and Pets With All Natural Methods by Stephen Tvedte...
Send a thank you TO ALL the readers for stopping by my blog: I was pleasantly surprised at the prior 3 months of re...
This research blog post and documentation is mainly provided by “The Assistant” in addition to the Team members who have graciously provide...