Showing posts with label what would jesus do. Show all posts
Showing posts with label what would jesus do. Show all posts

Sunday, February 5, 2023

White Hat Officers “Detained” After Failing Polygraphs

White Hat Officers “Detained” After Failing Polygraphs | Real Raw News Our source supplied example questions:
  • Have you upheld your Constitutional oath?
  • Do you recognize Joseph R. Biden as the lawfully elected President of the United States? 
  • Have you corresponded with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin in the last 18 months? 
  • Have you discussed White Hat operations with unauthorized persons? 
  • Have you disobeyed orders passed down from General David H. Berger at any point? 
  • Have you betrayed the White Hats? 
  • Do you intend to betray General Eric M. Smith? 
  • Have you answered truthfully to all exam questions?

Sunday, December 18, 2022

pt 2 What Would Jesus Do?

added 12/25/2022

added 12/22/22

Added after posting.

Twitter Files Thread Twitter Files Part 7 is more proof that election shenanigans happened

What Would Jesus Do Part 2

1) Bronson Bros Supreme Court Case is HUGE here is why.


2) Bronson Bros Supreme Court Case - Jan 26, 2023 > Uphold the Oath of Office ALL Politicians are required to follow > It does not matter Republican or Democrat they did not follow the RULES. Video 1

3) There is a History of Corporation, Criminals and Politicians circumventing the law to suit them- but the Bronson Bros "picked their pockets" h/t Charlie Ward

4) Its usually the little things that catch the criminals in the end and many times how it then escalates and opens up the larger more criminal aspects of a nefarious [crimes] and dirty deeds> the actual heart of the matter.

5) The [384] Political Hacks did not follow the Rules. Its not all about Election Fraud and here is why Immunity Does NOT Apply.

6) I call this video clip David vs Goliath and how how tenacity pays off. Video 2


 7) I know I m'spelled a word. At least you know i'm not a bot! #grammarcops

8) To Be Continued. This video editing shit tries my patience/lunch break. Full Video is posted: What Would Jesus Do? -… the next tweets will continue the interview and then tie in the tweet thread of "honesty testing for politicians"…


  • Free tools used: Awesome Screen Recorder to Dissect the Video. 
  • FREE twitter Video Download and Keep a record w/ share outside of twitter 
  •  @Thread Blue 

I still feel it is important to Write the Supreme Court and the Bronson Bros this link has that info

I first saw this suggestion to get involved and write the Supreme Court about the 2020 election to let my voice be heard and after a couple of days of pondering on this I researched and found the info and provided it below.

As posted on my blog: Below is the exact copy of the suggested letter to the Supreme Court Letter about the Election Fraud of the 2020 election and how we can lend our voice about this Election Fraud that has been proven by anyone who has been paying attention. This is the same Supreme Court Case that lists the 384 Political Hacks [Senate] who did not stand up when needed and have allowed this current administration to the continued destruction of all that the United States stands for.
As posted on my blog: Below is the exact copy of the suggested letter to the Supreme Court Letter about the Election Fraud of the 2020 election and how we can lend our voice about this Election Fraud that has been proven by anyone who has been paying attention. This is the same Supreme Court Case that lists the 384 Political Hacks [Senate] who did not stand up when needed and have allowed this current administration to the continued destruction of all that the United States stands for.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

What Would Jesus Do?

The Bronson Brothers Supreme Court Case creates the situation that will be the gift of future Politician Honesty Test mentioned

 The recent Arizona Election Debacle where the group of Gooberment Officials certified a fradulent election on orders from a higher up state official went on the record and stated he followed orders in regard to certifying an election or risked going to jail for not following orders.

Lack of Fortitude Is Apparent

tests for personal fortitude

This got me pondering if there might be a test of some sort that all government officials should take in re to: honesty, tenacity. mental fortitude, etc.  

All the traits that I see lacking in Government Officials at every level of governmanship.  Basically; 

how can or is it possible to weed the weak ones out from the git-go before they get into office and wreck things or make situations worse?

I honestly hadn't ever pondered this subject before today and only after I heard this loser Mohave County Electroral Board Official state after the fact, "he was just following orders or risked going to jail". 

 Let me know what you think by tweeting me or in the comment section: Should ALL Government Officials be tested prior to running for office? 


I will follow up with this blog post when I receive notice from the Independent Testing Official and the Company mentioned above. 

psychology they are saying what I want to hear

The psychological phenomenon of "hearing what you want to hear" or confirmation bias , where people selectively attend to informat...