Showing posts with label DUMBs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DUMBs. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Rome Of The West pt 1

This research blog post and documentation is  mainly provided by “The Assistant” in addition to the Team members who have graciously provided many connections and information. The Rome of the West information here is a work in progress as more things are discovered and added.  

The Goal of providing this information is to provide Readers, Politicians, and Law Enforcement a sort of road map of all the underhanded dealings and behind the scenes activities of the financial industry that the general public is not aware of. 

Rome of the West

    The following information is mainly about the StLouis Missouri involvement in the underhanded dealings known to a small majority of people in this world.  StLouis is known as the Gateway City for a reason.  The Team and I are going to show everyone how many of the things wrong in this world orchestrated by the Cabal are all connected and stem from the financial, political, and religious circles that are based in the Show Me State and the StLouis Region. 

    MBJ and I have been tweeting about the Rome of the West for a long time.  We have decided to put together the information into a easy to follow outline so everyone will be able to follow this road map of corruption. 

Here are the ways the reader can view the Rome of the West information and future documentations.

Here is my research on the activities as posted on twitter i put together compiling past tweets along with current research. 

I made an introduction to the Team and viewers on Twitter on 12/19/2023 about the Rome of the West.  The tweets in re start here:

The entire tweet thread can be viewed:

So this information is easily found by myself, the team, and others and also kept for safe keeping against censorship with backup copies there is the interactive pdf is located in my gfiles:

My prior blog posts tagged with Rome of the West are viewable here: Tidbits by Scotty Rome of the West Web Links

The Rome of the West tweets mentioned above are also viewable with this pdf embeded into this blog post here:

here are the tweets that prompted me to start this Rome Of The West documentation

In the near future I will have a cluster map similar to something like this to help everyone see all the Rome of the West connections

Here is another example of a cluster map example by Kim Goguen


StLouis Worlds Fair

Friday, December 16, 2022

Video Tunnel Deep Underground Military Bases

added after posting



💥BQQQQQQQM💥 DUMBS EXPOSED - Underground DUMBS are connected worldwide. They used technology NOT available to those on the surface of Earth — such as FREE ENERGY, magnetic levitation transportation & highway systems. Their ability to move massive cargo overseas can be done in minutes & hours. These underground & underwater transit systems are the bloodline to the DS operations. Much of this covert war is being fought underground, under water & on the water

Additional Tunnel Information and Follow Up to Prior Tunnel Blog Posts Tidbits by Scotty: Baby Motor Dream: a recent dream i had:  i was at some store, like a Casey's convenience store, walking up to the front door, i saw a vehicle without a ho... 

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Baby Motor Dream

a recent dream i had:  i was at some store, like a Casey's convenience store, walking up to the front door, i saw a vehicle without a hood and there was an infant precariously laying on the motor, nobody was around.

Scottys Save The Children Baby Motor Dream Image

i think the motor was running, it was a weird motor, when i reached out to help the baby it fell off the motor to the ground. 

i crawled under the vehicle then, i realized the baby was fine, as i held it in my arms, something was said to me or i stated to whomever just walked up: "you don't deserve this baby".

the motor looked odd, like it was backwards, i think when i tried to adjust the baby so that it laid in a more comfortable position is when it disconnected from the motor or whatever was holding it in place.

i flipped out when that happened, i realized i should have just grabbed it, but the baby was ok.   

if it was a regular motor in a vehicle, there is no way anything could fall to the ground without getting lodged on the parts below.  i also think the motor shut off when this happened. the baby was ok... end result.  

i think in the astral world i was part of a crew saving kids maybe?   this dream was just 2 or 3 days ago.  

i don't remember my dreams is why this is still nagging me.  i wonder what i'm really doing?  

i speculate:

  • that my desire to help the kids in real life and stop the pedos reflects what i'm helping with in the astral.
  • the baby was the power source for the motor

commentary from twitter

here is a collection of the StLouis Tunnels tweets all put togther in one easy to read thread reader roll. I've been sharing and talking about these tunnels under stlouis for many years.

this is the Rumble Video that shared the details about saving the kids from the stlouis tunnels

Monday, August 8, 2022


Taliban have found a large ammunition depot in Panjshir WEAPONS SEIZED...

thank you brave soldiers for saving the children & ADRENOCHROME 


psychology they are saying what I want to hear

The psychological phenomenon of "hearing what you want to hear" or confirmation bias , where people selectively attend to informat...