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Showing posts with the label Poll

Are you a supporter of QAnon?

Civiqs Poll QAnon Support with Registered Voters September 10, 2020 — September 7, 2024 138,827 Responses representing 100% of population Yes 3% No 75% I've never heard of QAnon 12% Unsure 9%   Support of #Qanon has decreased from 61% to 75% according to this Civiqs Poll dates: Sept 2020 - Sept 2024 ? — Scotty (@StLHandyMan) September 8, 2024 Civiqs Poll: Are you a supporter of #QAnon ? ? QAnon Support Registered Voters September 10, 2020 — September 7, 2024 138,827 Responses — Scotty (@StLHandyMan) September 8, 2024 Here is another interesting civiqs poll about how people feel about how things are in United States. I am in the group that doesn't feel we are headed in the right direction. Civics Poll: Do you think things in this country are headed in the right direction, or have they gotten off on the wrong track? ? < Most people have steadi

Extraterrestrial 1st Contact Poll

Extraterrestrial 1st Contact Poll       When I learned that one of the Pleiadians named Hankann mentioned that the People on Earth were not ready for actual contact from extraterrestrials from outer space I was irked to put it lightly.   I’m not one to sit on the sidelines after reading the reasons why in the article. So I have decided after a day of pondering on the best avenues that I will prove to Hankann and Crew that whomever He is getting his information from is not reflective of the general consensus of the actual people I associate with. Here are just a few of the ideas that are swirling around in my head at this moment.  I am going to perform both in-person and online “yes or no” polls that ask some basic questions, depending on the answers I receive will determine what and how will be the next steps to establish contact with Hankann and the Crew.  Do you believe in Aliens or Extraterrestrials?  Do you