Showing posts with label Art World Corruption. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art World Corruption. Show all posts

Sunday, December 17, 2023

All Things Geffen

Art World Corruption and Connection Research Files

All Things Geffen Pt 1

reseeit summary: David Geffen is an American filmmaker, record executive, and entrepreneur. He co-created Asylum Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, and DreamWorks SKG. Geffen is a donor to Democratic Party candidates and organizations, including being an early supporter of Barack Obama and a donor to the Lincoln Project. He brought his longtime lover Jeremy Lingvall to a state dinner at the White House. Lingvall enjoyed a lavish lifestyle with Geffen, including private planes, yachts, and mansions. Geffen's connections to the art world and his involvement with MOCA are also mentioned. There are allegations and controversies surrounding Geffen, including his association with Jeffrey Epstein and accusations of sex crimes.
view the reseeit tweet thread here:

Twitter Thread Starts Here


All Things Geffen Pt 2

Here is the Start of the Twitter Thread 


All Things Geffen Pt 3

All Things Gefffen Part 3 tweet thread starts here:


I just updated the old links in Art World Corruption and Connections research document with the Web Archive History Links.  Here are the tweets and links 

CDAN's The Web Part 2: Geffen's Hollywood Snitch Sends Two Metal Moguls To An Early Grave
CDAN's The Web Part 2: Geffen's Hollywood Snitch Sends Two Metal Moguls To An Early Grave

CDAN's The Web Part 2: Geffen's Hollywood Snitch Sends Two Metal Moguls To An Early Grave

For Part One of The Web, you can click here.


"When we last saw Chris Cornell (PJ) and Chester Bennington (RJ) they were recording interviews with abused teens. The question was how did the information get back to the A+ lister. Did one of them send him a copy? That was always considered a maybe. They could have done it for protection. Hey look at what we have so don't come after us. Did the wife of PJ show one to the A+ lister? Again, certainly possible. At that point she was fully indebted to the A+ lister and had made her bed. She was full in on the money, fame and protection from bad things from her past that the A+ lister could assist her with. The problem with that theory is that you have to be fully on board with PJ trusting his wife. At that point he already wanted to divorce her. No one I have spoken with thinks that PJ knew about what was going on with the A+ lister, but he still had no reason to trust her."

From everything I have seen or heard, it looks like someone he considered a friend, betrayed him. The friend, an A/A- list mostly movie actor attended the funeral of PJ. He probably fake grieved or maybe even had real grief knowing he helped along the death. Let us call this actor SB. Never one to be discreet about sex or who has sex with or concerned about age, our actor has got into trouble for his behavior in the past. At a party he attended at PJ's house about a year before all of this went down, he was cornered by PJ's wife about getting her a part in a movie or anything he could help her with. At that same time, she introduced him to a friend of hers. The friend is a very very high priced escort who mainly operates out of the country. She was in the US trying to also get some acting work and called her old friend. Well, this high priced escort works in a country where anything goes so nothing SB talked about or said shocked her. The two started hanging out quite frequently. During that time, they ran into our A+ lister while out to dinner. He stopped by the table of SB and told him he had fresh meat and should stop by. They did so and apparently SB engaged in sexual activity with some of these teen boys. I don't know if the teens he hooked up with were legal or not.

Fast forward a little bit. This is where things take an even stranger turn. Apparently the escort was not only hooking up with SB, but also PJ himself. PJ's wife had no idea. I sill don't think she has any idea, although the relationship between the two has grown more frosty as of late. I don't think SB knew, but probably wouldn't have cared. I don't think PJ knew about SB and the escort either because PJ was gone so frequently.

Apparently one of those teens being interviewed mentioned SB or enough of a description of him that the escort knew who the teen was referring to. Whether she saw the video or heard about it from PJ, I don't know. The next thing you know, the escort is telling SB what she knew and SB was telling the A+ lister. Fate sealed. Almost immediately after that, the escort suddenly decides that she needs to leave the country again, where she has remained since."

So, Enty in this blind is implicating a big Hollywood star as to being Geffen's inside snitch as to Cornell and Bennington's staged suicides, and was even at the funeral pretending to grieve, you can't make this stuff up, and is richer than most Hollywood screenplays.

So who done it? Who's the Hollywood snitch that put two honest, influential rockers to the grave because he wanted to cover his ass and a bunch of boy buggering pedophiles?

Of course, those illustrious regular guest commentators on CDAN's blinds have already cast their ballots, and they seemed to have narrowed it down to the two best candidates:

James Franco


Josh Brolin

These are some pretty heavy accusations here, let's review them:

Geffen ran into (Brolin/Franco) while out to dinner one night with a friend of Cornell's wife who is an international prostitute. He stopped by the table of (Brolin/Franco;SB) and told him he had fresh meat and should stop by. They did so and apparently SB engaged in sexual activity with some of these teen boys. I don't know if the teens he hooked up with were legal or not.

Fast forward a little bit. This is where things take an even stranger turn. Apparently the escort was not only hooking up with SB, but also PJ himself. PJ's wife had no idea. I sill don't think she has any idea, although the relationship between the two has grown more frosty as of late. I don't think SB knew, but probably wouldn't have cared. I don't think PJ knew about SB and the escort either because PJ was gone so frequently.

Apparently one of those teens being interviewed mentioned (Brolin/Franco;SB) or enough of a description of him that the escort knew who the teen was referring to. Whether she saw the video or heard about it from PJ, I don't know. The next thing you know, the escort is telling (Brolin/Franco;SB) what she knew and (Brolin/Franco;SB) was telling Geffen. Fate sealed. Almost immediately after that, the escort suddenly decides that she needs to leave the country again, where she has remained since.

Now, this definitely sounds like Franco:

"Let us call this actor SB. Never one to be discreet about sex or who has sex with or concerned about age, our actor has got into trouble for his behavior in the past."

But, somehow, Franco doesn't quite seem to fit, what if it was someone the Pizzagate community was introduced to that has transient ties to the entire Pizzagate saga? (mods please pay attention here for this establishes relevancy to pizzagate, feels pretty silly having to mansplain relevancy when it's right in front of your face but like a high school marm and babies they like it clearly spelled out for them so OK).

Josh Brolin - The Goonie, and his creepy ties to Steve Antin, his sister Robin, and therefore David Geffen.

YouJustCan'tMakeThisStuffUp: Kaya Jones, Las Vegas Shooting, Pussycat Dolls, David Geffen and Corey Feldman

Pizzagate Shout Out From "I believe both Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington were murdered; NEW LEAD

Vicky & BrolinJPG

Chris Cornell & Josh Brolin

CDAN's The Web III: SHOCK REVELATIONS Pizzagate Link! Franco Bro's>Diana Jenkins>Podesta Group>Clintons>Dubai
CDAN's The Web III: SHOCK REVELATIONS Pizzagate Link! Franco Bro's>Diana Jenkins>Podesta Group>Clintons>Dubai

CDAN's The Web III: SHOCK REVELATIONS Pizzagate Link! Franco Bro's>Diana Jenkins>Podesta Group>Clintons>Dubai

In my last installment here we saw how Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington were betrayed by someone close to them in Hollywood. By an overwhelming consensus here and at CDAN it has been determined that SB can be no other than James Franco.

Well, in CDAN's third installment in this crazy ride the saga takes off at 1000 miles an hour toward our favorite destination in this saga, Pizzagate, and our favorite occult city, Washington DC, coupled with a few unbelievable stops along the way to be introduced to the crazy fucked-up "luxury and excess" of the rich and famous. Hold on because it's going to get sick and disgusting, and may even compel you to work harder about doing something about it....


  • PJ - Chris Cornell
  • PJ's widow - Vicky Karayiannis
  • PJ Widow relative (receiving the wire transfers) - her mother
  • RJ - Chester Bennington
  • RJ's widow - Talinda Ann Bentley
  • A+ lister - David Geffen
  • SB - James Franco
  • High priced escort - Salena Diana Jenkins (btw she's back in Bosnia now, posted 7 days ago)
  • SB family member - Dave Franco
  • A list indie director - Harmony Korine (SB = Spring Breakers)
  • Business in Washington DC - Podesta Group

The Web Part III Instagram Terror - The Web Continues To Grow

Recently I wrote about this escort that seems to be in the middle of everything going on in the long running widows scandal. It turns out this escort is even more involved than previously known. When we last saw the escort, she was saving SB and sealing the tragic fate of RJ (Chester Bennington) and PJ (Chris Cornell) at the hands of the A+ lister.

Why were SB (James Franco) and the A+ lister (DG) so close? At some point back in time, SB and a family member hooked up with the A+ lister. He helped them and they helped him. SB is close to a director, an A list indie type director not named Bryan Singer. Think darker and more gritty films. He is someone who has always taken deep dives into underage sex and using that as his rationalization, has sex with underage teens constantly. Ask his current significant other actress how old she was when they started hooking up. She was very much underage, and helped him find underage teens for his "projects."

Apparently the escort and our money/fame hungry widow were involved with this group. Right now, it isn't known if they were part of the director's crowd, but suddenly they were there.

Here is where it gets a little more complicated. Our A+ lister had met some men from overseas who were interested in young men. They also were interested in young females. The young men were to be play things for rich men overseas. The young females though were a different story. Some of them were sent to Dubai to be sexually used and abused for a year or two before they either made it back home or ended up beneath one of the many construction projects.

There were another group of women that have met a different fate. Most were Instagram models. Men overseas would go on the internet and choose one they wanted. They would then be quoted a fee of between $2500-9500 to a business located in Washington D.C. That business specialized in selling items that were all priced in that range. The crazy thing is though, if you took a look at the business, they didn't actually have any inventory. They were just funneling money for a bunch of different purposes. One of those purposes was providing Instagram models as wives to some very very bad people who had been promised wives if they signed up to fight.

Most of these Instagram models that were picked at random had no interest in going overseas even for sex. However, there were plenty that the escort found through her web of other escort friends and models she would talk to online. How to make sure the models were really interested? SB would make a personal plea or his almost equally famous family member. The models would be told easy money was waiting overseas. The models all thought they were going to Dubai. They would start in Dubai but were then transported to other places not as nice and then married off. The people getting the wives were not going to complain about not getting their first choice or try to demand a refund. These models were then paraded and used as a recruitment tool to get more people to sign up to fight.

Now, it isn't clear whether SB or the A+ lister or even the escort or our hated widow knew the full story of these models. I do know they knew the women were being sold/rented to men in Dubai. I know they took a cut of that big fee paid to that mystery business. I know the escort is still trolling for new women online to sell. I don't know who her new middleman is, but she is still doing it.

Salena Diana Jenkins ladies and gentlemen, we've ALL probably heard about her folks, she's the Person Of Interest in the infamous "Robert Downey Jr." blind:

Is Secret Celebrity Tea dropper Actually Robert Downey Jr.

"I am a FORMER personal "friend" of a woman named Diana Jenkins. Doubt you know her, but she's the Rosetta Stone of every scandal and perversion from Hwood all over the globe. She's an Uber-wealthy divorcee whose hubby ran UK's Barclay's bank - and she ran the Arab investors for the bank! She's been running a high class call girl/party-girl ring for Arabs, Wall Street, DC, Royals, and Hollywood elites. She's also a MAJOR philanthropist, arts supporter, political donor, and social hostess to EVERYONE. Her best Hwood pals include Sean Penn, Clive Davis, Ari Emanuel, George Clooney, Cindy Crawford, and her "little pet" named Hayden. Diana is the connector of wealthy Arabs and Asians and Athletes with Hwood actresses/models. She also is a sick and twisted bitch."

Here she is with many of her pals, and believe me, she knows everybody, this woman opens up doors to tons of possibilities:

Diana; HopperJPG

Diana; EltonJPG

Bono; DianaJPG

Jagger; DianaJPG



Pretty well connected.

-There were another group of women that have met a different fate. Most were Instagram models. Men overseas would go on the internet and choose one they wanted. They would then be quoted a fee of between $2500-9500 to a business located in Washington D.C.

  • if you took a look at the business, they didn't actually have any inventory.

Now, ALL OF US here by now understands that "art" can be "inventory" and "it is not". Its a commodity that can be traded for outrageous amounts, aid human trafficking by laundering money among many other possibilities.

Art in Embassies Program Gave Podestas, Jeff Koons, Rockefellers, Clintons, Marina Abramovic, Rothschilds even Alefantis access to a private shipping channel that could bypass airport security

So who is the firm, pizza shop, etc, that handled it all?

Podesta Group may close by the end of the year


God Bless, God Speed.


Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Justice Served on 12 bioweapon Scientists

Russia Type Military Tribunals- Justice Served on 12 bioweapon Scientists

Additional Ukraine Dirty Deeds can be found in the whistleblower info I was asked to share years ago is #ArtWorldCorruption, mentioned in the tweets below where I call out the StLouis Fake News media for lack of sharing of what is really going on. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Chelsea Clinton -Victor Pinchuk - Ukraine

Part 3 Victor Pinchuk

Source said that Weinstein, Spielberg and Geffen all did business with him [Pinchuk]

Update Mar 7, 2018 -

Chelsea Clinton and Victor Pinchuk during her visit to Kiev, Ukraine, in 2012.     Credit Efram - Lukatsky

Chelsea Clinton and Victor Pinchuk during her visit to Kiev, Ukraine, in 2012.   

Credit Efram - Lukatsky

A previously undisclosed email obtained by Citizens United, the conservative advocacy group, through public records lawsuits shows the name of Mr. Pinchuk, described as one of Ukraine’s “most successful businessmen,” among those on an eight-page list of influential people invited to a dinner party at the Clintons’ home.

Earlier in 2012, Ambassador John F. Tefft wrote to Mrs. Clinton about a visit to Ukraine by Chelsea Clinton and her husband, Marc Mezvinsky, “at the invitation of oligarch, Victor Pinchuk.” Mrs. Clinton replied, “As you know, hearing nice things about your children is as good as it gets.”

A representative for Mr. Pinchuk said the investigation had nothing to do with the State Department, had started after Mrs. Clinton’s tenure and been suspended in July 2014. He added that at least 100 other people had attended the dinner party at Mrs. Clinton’s house and that she and Mr. Pinchuk had spoken briefly about democracy in Ukraine.

A deal involving the sale of American uranium holdings to a Russian state-owned enterprise was another example of the foundation intersecting with Mrs. Clinton’s official role in the Obama administration. Her State Department was among the agencies that signed off on the deal, which involved major Clinton charitable backers from Canada.

There was no evidence that Mrs. Clinton had exerted influence over the deal, but the timing of the transaction and the donations raised questions about whether the donors had received favorable handling.

Victor Pinchuk, a steel magnate whose father-in-law, Leonid Kuchma, was president of Ukraine from 1994 to 2005, has directed between $10 million and $25 million to the foundation. He has lent his private plane to the Clintons and traveled to Los Angeles in 2011 to attend Mr. Clinton’s star-studded 65th birthday celebration.

Between September 2011 and November 2012, Douglas E. Schoen, a former political consultant for Mr. Clinton, arranged about a dozen meetings with State Department officials on behalf of or with Mr. Pinchuk to discuss the continuing political crisis in Ukraine, according to reports Mr. Schoen filed as a registered lobbyist.

“I had breakfast with Pinchuk. He will see you at the Brookings lunch,” Melanne Verveer, a Ukrainian-American then working for the State Department, wrote in a June 2012 email to Mrs. Clinton.

Disney GeoEngineering 1959 Movie

I had issues saving this movie to my files and computer. I am reposting this research here so that I don't misplace this obvious explana...