Showing posts with label censorship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label censorship. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

@The1Parzival Algo Bustin

the clue was found in the 2nd movie here.
The1Parzival exposes the twitter censorship algos
video example: How Your Free Speech is Controlled on X - Deep Dive | The Parzival x Matt Kim #126 Parzival guides us through the code behind the Twitter files and how much of it is still in place today on Elon’s X. The Free Speech Platform turns out to be full of narrative control levers…

The Tweets and X Posts Will Rite The Story

I will be adding more info in the near future I was just rushing to get this blog post going so I could reply to his Quote Tweet.

The1Parzival Algo Bustin
Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purpose such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.

Friday, March 17, 2023

Fauci WarpSpeed Covid Jab Killed Thousands Tweet Storm

As the Truth comes out on the Damage of the Covid Vax. Here are a bunch of the tweets showing the Falsehoods told to the world. Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purpose such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Pt 5 1st Amernment Blog Series Florida Blog Bill

The Following Florida Proposed blogger bill was supplied by fellow Tumblr Bloger: @dontmeantobepoliticalbut
Florida Sen. Jason Brodeur (R-Lake Mary) wants bloggers who write about Gov. Ron DeSantis, Attorney General Ashley Moody, and other members of the Florida executive cabinet or legislature to register with the state or face fines. Brodeur’s proposal, Senate Bill 1316: Information Dissemination, would require any blogger writing about government officials to register with the Florida Office of Legislative Services or the Commission on Ethics.
In the bill, Brodeur wrote that those who write “an article, a story, or a series of stories,” about “the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, a Cabinet officer, or any member of the Legislature,” and receives or will receive payment for doing so, must register with state offices within five days after the publication of an article that mentions an elected state official. 
If another blog post is added to a blog, the blogger would then be required to submit monthly reports on the 10th of each month with the appropriate state office. They would not have to submit a report on months when no content is published. 
For blog posts that “concern an elected member of the legislature” or “an officer of the executive branch,” monthly reports must disclose the amount of compensation received for the coverage, rounded to the nearest $10 value. If compensation is paid for a series of posts or for a specific amount of time, the blogger would be required to disclose the total amount to be received, upon publication of the first post in said series or timeframe. Additional compensation must be disclosed later on. 
Failure to file these disclosures or register with state officials, if the bill passes, would lead to daily fines for the bloggers, with a maximum amount per report, not per writer, of $2,500. The per-day fine is $25 per report for each day it’s late.
The bill also requires that bloggers file notices of failure to file a timely report the same way that lobbyists file their disclosures and reports on assessed fines. Fines must be paid within 30 days of payment notice, unless an appeal is filed with the appropriate office. Fine payments must be deposited into the Legislative Lobbyist Registration Trust Fund if it concerns an elected member of the legislature.
For writing about members of the executive branch, fines would be made payable to the Executive Branch Lobby Registration Trust Fund or, if it concerns both groups, the fine may be paid to both related trust funds in equal amounts.
Explicitly, the blogger rule would not apply to newspapers or similar publications, under Brodeur’s proposed legislation.
In additional to the blogger regulations, the bill also removes provisions of state statutes to require judicial notices of sales to be published on publicly accessible websites, and specifies that a government agency can publish legally required advertisements and public notices on county sites if the cost is not paid by or recovered from an individual.
Should the bill pass, it would take effect immediately upon approval.
I didn't expect a Republican to propose the #Florida #Blogger bill. Whats really going on behind the scenes? Did some #BlogWriter catch him with his hands in the cookie jar?— systembuster (@stlsystembuster) March 6, 2023

this tweet and other #firstamendment #freedomofspeech rights are on my other blog.

Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purpose such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Pt 3 in the 1st Amendment Blog Series

Here is how I let the tweets write the story 

The prior blog postings can be viewed here



What a tweet "shit" storm it was.  It had all the makings of a Soap Opera made for teLIEvision:

 complete with:
    •  borderline bullying tactics, 
    • name calling, 
    • lack of actual research on the part of the commentators, 
    • misdirection attemptsto steer the conversation away from the intended purpose, and most of all:  
    • Lack of foresight to comprehend THE BIGGER PICTURE
      • Theire was even a comment reply in the shit storm that approved of Censorship- I found very hard to believe was even written.
 There were a few tweeterss that understand the importance that freedom of speech brings to the table and how censorship activities of Big Tech do not actually help in any way shape or form.  
Censorship is a sure sign you're discussing the truth which is all that matters, free speech is protected by US 1st Amendment #1A  and UN #Article19 Therefore censorship is illegal and must be challenged in courts and by reporting to the police until it stops #FreeSpeech    @VeritatisEtLum

 @GHOSTOFCHAOS420 gets it and is one of the only people I know that has a bigger meme collection than I.  Here are some of the photos she has shared about the censorship actions of Big Tech and the Governments intrusion into everyones free speech. The first meme below is one from one of my tweets awhile back that caused Twitter Support to "lock my account" This tweet is a perfect example of twitter censorship! 

StLSystemBuster reply to @TimRunsHisMouth: And Then People Said "NO" the end...
StLSystemBuster reply to @TimRunsHisMouth: And Then People Said "NO" the end...

I posted the above pictures by Ghost of Chaos by copying the photos internet address instead of downloading them to my computer and posting them to this blog. I'm still going to download them to save the great memes. But I posted these by url so that viewers of this blog posting will see in the future that Ghost of Chaos will more than likely be censored again for her postings that Big Tech does not view as proper.  

I've also lost track of how many times her account has been censored in the past. I think this is her 5th or 6th account. Ghost of Chaos, Wanda, and I have a history of Tweet Storms of sharing the untold stories.  Some of my most memorable tweet discussions we've had were about the Vaccine Dangers, years before Covid19.  We are also pro Industrial Hemp, and have many other similarities!

 @wandaspangler11 @GHOSTOFCHAOS420  how many times have we used actual facts and destroyed the peoples "force fed" #fakenews talking points?    I'm getting a  kick outa this one who is a #candycrusher aka playing games vs using that comp/cell phone for actrual research. tweet link

Here are some of Wandas additions into the content of the latest Tweet Storm:

 man why you guys on here calling people goobers and dumb and liking it fk your life really that miserable? go find something positive and productive to do your not helping nothing!

 thats lie to as government can abolish all PRIVATE property when ever it deems neccessary  

thoses that call others dumb need to make sure they arent the dumb one which obviously you fail

 Kudos to Wanda she gets it!  The stuff she shares is always worth pondering and is one of the people who I feel looks at the spiritual happenings of these turbulent times as well as ways to overcome the evils of society. 

I even shared what Elon Musk has stated his intent and vision for twitter to become the new public square where everyone is welcome to share their opinion, ideas, and opposition.

I realize my lowly carpenters tweets do not have the "sexy" aspect that garnes wider draaw of public attention and the topics that I feel matter are important are insignificant to others as well.  All in all, yesterdays tweet "shit storm of shit postings" was rather commical.  I was thouroughly amused for the biggest part of the day and look forward to others in the future chimming in on the content.


I'm sure TynnLizzy will blast the twitter verse with some of her "word porn" and verbage as only she can do.  

Before I wade into the shit storm twatter postings one of the things I discovered yesterday in my research highlighted the actual nefarious shenanigans of big tech in how "content" is monitored in attempts to steer the conversation away and how "search" results for supporting information are a tangled web of confusion that leads a researcher to a never ending supply of irrelavnt search topic results and or places that charge for viewing the content. 

I'm not proposing that everything on the internet should be free of charge and that people are not entitled to earning a living off of the content they provide. But find it rather frustrating that content that sure looks good and worthy of reading in a google search result is hidden behind a paywall.  While their are many paywall busters and ways around this inconvience, i've learned that the same content is usually avail with more diligent research, that requires a deeper dive into the intraweb by using additional key words.  Dilligence will pay off, it may just require a bit more time.

Awhile back I also adopted and adhere to the guiding life priciple of: don't cheat, don't steal, and lead by example..  Therefore breaking into some website to copy content to make a point for a blog post is somewhat similar to breaking into a home or business to steal something.  I'll pass on those activities, the school of hard knocks has taught me: things that are acquired by illicite deeds generally carry a negative aspect with them.

Lead by Example, Be The Change You Want To See
LEAD BY EXAMPLE Be The Change You Want To See 

Rather than clutter up this blog post with the tweet thread. I have left it in my google cloud files at this link:  I feel the preceeding blog post had more info and provides a greater picture of the issue at hand. Tidbits by Scotty: pt 2 1st Amedment Blog Series:  Are bloggers protected by First Amendment ? 

here are some videos and recordings I feel is relevant to the Freedom of Speech 1st Amendment Issue

Additional Details will be provided in Pt 4 of the 1st Amendment blog series.  Stay Tuned.  The Supreme Court will be supplying additional info on the Internet Big Tech Industry as highlighted above. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

First Amendment Censoship Blog Series pt 1

Here is how I let the tweets write the story 

The prior blog postings can be viewed here

Blog Post No3 in a blog series on Freedom of Speech rights that everyone in the United States of America is granted under the First Amendment Rights of the United States Constituion.

The coincidental synchronicty of the past few days where I have actually been designing DIY Press Pass Identification Badges and actually applying for a International Press Pass with US Press Agency (examples below).  I happily report the Offical Internation Press Pass Application is currently in review as I write this blog post up.  If anyone would like to financialy support my endeavor to obtain this official Press Pass let me know.

International Press Pass US Press Agency

  • Thanks to USPA, an international press pass is now also available for part-time journalists and media professionals.
  • You´re likely aware of the problem - press associations exclude an important group from receiving press passes. If you are a journalist or media professional who is only working part time, you´ve probably been denied your own press pass in the past. Another issue: Event organizers nowadays want to know for which agency you work - in most cases, your membership in an association is of little importance.
  • Become a member of USPA now and get your international press pass. As a recognized and official press agency, we are authorized to issue press passes and are open to all contributing editors, photojournalists and other people with journalistic ambitions.
  • We are the strong partner at your side. USPA News is our news agency and warrantor of your journalistic occupation. Market your articles and photos through USPA News and name USPA News whenever you are asked for your agency - all doors will be open to you!

Irregardless of whether I obtain an offical press pass registered with this agency my blog posts exposing corruption are still PROTECTED under the First Amedment of the United States Constitution.

And this is why I have designed this DIY press badge. I still have writes as a blogger under the 1st Amendment Free Speech Clause.  I've been blogging and exposing corruption on Numerous Blogs owned by myself and others for years.  In addition to social media accounts on twitter, facebook, and tumblr. 

DIY Press Pass Scotty
Scottys DIY Press Pass Badge

my actual censorship list of my Freedom of Speech violations is rather lengthy

All of my Social Media Accounts that expose corruption of Politicians, Laws, Regulations, wrong doings of Corporations and companies have been censored, shadowbanned, and removed numerous times as the readers of this blog, blog 1, blog 2, blog 3, tumblr 1, Photo Archive 1, Photo Archive 2, Facebook 1, Facebook 2, twitter 1, and twitter 2  ... . 

 Tidbits by Scotty: Repost against censorship Reddit QAnon Opinion: Here is another odd one. Long ago I made this post about Alex Jones and James Corsi I found on Reddit about Qanon.  Repost against censorshi...

psychology they are saying what I want to hear

The psychological phenomenon of "hearing what you want to hear" or confirmation bias , where people selectively attend to informat...