Showing posts with label native americans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label native americans. Show all posts

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Geronimo: An American Legend

An American legend comes to breathtaking life in this explosive epic Western starring Jason Patric, Robert Duvall, Gene Hackman, and Wes Studi as Geronimo. Studi (Last of the Mohicans) gives a stunning performance as the fearless warrior who was the last Indian leader to surrender to the white man. Betrayed by the Army's legendary 'Indian fighter', General George Crook (Hackman), Geronimo leads a small band of warriors in their escape. Pursued by a principled officer (Patric), a grizzled Army scout (Duvall), and a gung-ho West Point graduate (Matt Damon), Geronimo evades capture through brilliant military strategy and cutthroat courage. His true story is both an action adventure and a spiritual journey through the heart of a warrior. © 1993 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Pt 1-4 Dutchsinse and Crew

Great Info by Dutchsinse and Crew on Start Forts, Earthquake, Ancient Structures, EMF Frequencies, Mound Builders, Long Head Skull Shapes, StLouis, Kahokia Mounds, Petroglifs, Nuclear Sites, Coal, Water, Antartica, and the other great info in these you tube vids

March 17, 2023

I did a full 5+ hour long interview with Bernie from CryptoAlchemist channel and Autodidactic .. two great guys! Plus other guests came on during this long interview!

We cover the spectrum on this broadcast... no stone left unturned (no pun intended lol).

Check out bernies channel here:    / @cryptoalchemist369   Autodidactics channel here:    / @autodidactic999  

3/18/2023 -- Part 2 -- Dutchsinse, BurnEye, Autodidactic 5+ hour long interview -- "GEOGLYPHS" topic​

This final video (parts 3 & 4) covers Antarctica with a man who worked there directly (Eric from ), directed energy weapons (DEW), weather modification, HAARP, and several other topics including CERN, Neutrino detectors, submarines, phased array antennas below the ice. Listen close to what Eric from says about Havannah Syndrome happening to workers in Antarctica, and about the Christchurch earthquake from 2011 This is huge news, and disclosure on the topic of DEW and Antarctica!

Monday, December 6, 2021

jab damages immune system ProjectSalus

Project Salus data from the DoD / JAIC absolutely shatters the false narrative of Biden, Fauci, Walensky and other “authorities” who are still attempting to gaslight the American people into thinking that hospitals are filled with unvaccinated people. 

 71% of COVID-19 “cases” were breakthrough cases (vaccine failures) once the Delta variant reached 90% spread across those infected

In reality, the vast majority of hospitalizations and deaths are occurring among those who were fully vaccinated, according to the 5.6 million people studied in this particular data set (Medicare).

Project Salus
  • post-vaccine health outcomes are worsening over time
  • meaning that the vaccines appear to be gradually damaging the immune system over subsequent months
  • making vaccinated individuals far more vulnerable to subsequent infections


This is the very definition of ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement), about which many analysts such as Dr. Sherri Tenpenny have warned. Now, it appears that ADE is no longer merely a theory but rather a confirmed phenomenon reflected in official Medicare data.

Attorney Thomas Renz told Natural News today that these data should immediately result in not just the FDA’s revocation of mRNA vaccine EUA and approval status, but that the FDA, Fauci and Big Pharma’s top executives should be sued under RICO Act violations for racketeering and organized crime. (He is requesting other attorneys to join in him in helping to accomplish this.)

Project Salus Infographic

psychology they are saying what I want to hear

The psychological phenomenon of "hearing what you want to hear" or confirmation bias , where people selectively attend to informat...