Showing posts with label david wilcock. Show all posts
Showing posts with label david wilcock. Show all posts

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Ponder on this info


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Friday, December 23, 2022

Higher Mind Class Example 101

This first video inspired this infographic in re to the Zulu Elders and how they perceive humanity at the moment. 

Bratty Kids throwing sand on the playground.

infographic by scotty: How the Higher Mind Zulu Elders See Humanity circa 2022: Bratty Kids Still Fighting on the Playground.  What the Zulu Elders Are Really Doing: Working Behind the Scenes to Unite Humanity.  Inspired by Corey Goode
infographic by scotty: How the Higher Mind Zulu Elders See Humanity circa 2022: Bratty Kids Still Fighting on the Playground.  What the Zulu Elders Are Really Doing: Working Behind the Scenes to Unite Humanity.  Inspired by Corey Goode 

The knuckle head on twitter who felt obligated to insult me is proof positive they are correct in their observation.

The Zulu Elders Information I'm referring to starts at around the 43:22 mark in the videl below.  

Saturday, October 22, 2022

2 important truths in this video listed below

David Wilcock is Dropping Truths and Connections that are not known by most and how the "Earth Cycles" bring needed changes and what we will get to experience in this life. > Karma and Ascension!  1:00:45 Mark in the Rumble Video below


The 2nd Important thing of note in this video is at the beginning of the vid. 

Did you see that Australia Government Officials are holding people at Gunpoint to make sure they get the vaccinated? 

Do you know that everyone in Australia previously turned over all their guns to the government?  Let that be a warning for America. Don't Give Up Your Second Amendment Rights.





Friday, July 22, 2022

Confirmation of Sorts

Months ago I had heard the whitehats were slowing up the NESARA. Years ago David Wilcock and Corey Goode mentioned our own Military was behind the stopping of Full Disclosure of Alien / UFO.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

The AI Warning by David and Corey

 Corey Goode relays reports straight from the frontlines of the battle against the imminent domination of the A.I. signal. 

The war against the A.I. infestation has created a unified battlefront for the Secret Space Programs and the breakaway alliance. 

Thus, Earth’s budding collaboration with the Sphere Beings becomes all the more crucial for advancing the principles of liberty and ascension. 

This interview with David Wilcock was originally webcast December 26, 2015.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Dear Seeker of Truth

Everything I've been telling you for the last twenty-five years is now coming to an astonishing, worldwide conclusion.

psychology they are saying what I want to hear

The psychological phenomenon of "hearing what you want to hear" or confirmation bias , where people selectively attend to informat...