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200 year Conspiracy pt2

200 year conspiracy pt2 is going to explore the esoteric hidden hands influencing the people who read Puck Magazine In part 1 I attempted to show how the Puck Magazine was influencing people perceptions of how the issues of the world are still an issue 200 plus years later.   Tidbits by Scotty: 200 year Conspiracy pt1 : what a wild ride it has been and it doesn't look we the people have learned a damn thing or will we be able to correct our wrongs of the past that are now coming full circle??? Normally blog posts like i'm trying to write just fly off my fingers, sorta like auto typing. This one is causing me a lil difficulty to write I just sent this msg to @GypsyMajik1122 in re to this "hint" provided yesterday I missed — Scotty (@StLHandyMan) July 27, 2024 Lets start by examining some of the underlying themes of where the name Puck is derived from.  Puck Magazine   The name "Puckish" itself became a byw