Showing posts with label Austria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Austria. Show all posts

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Proof Nuremberg Regs Applicable

Part 1 Austria - Pfizer Death Waltz
The original Nuremberg Trials, Punishment, and Rules against using People for experiments against their consent and will continues to be one way to hold people and organizations accountable for their actions, circa 2021.
If Nuremberg regulations, violations, punishment, and other information was not viable in re to Covid.
Why would EU chief Ursula von Der Leyen  leader of Austria call for dispensing the Nuremberg Code?

The photo screenshot from tweet below is~ very telling.
Pfizer CEO Alberta Bouria and Ursula von Der Leyen leader of Austria. 

Hand in Hand, cheek to cheek, Pfizer CEO Alberta Bouria and Ursula von Der Leyen leader of Austria, look to be old aquaintences and pals. I wonder if the song they are dancing to is the Death Waltz? 

Links below has Additional 

A future blog post: part 2 titled- World Economic Forum Members and Pfizer connections will be explored. 

psychology they are saying what I want to hear

The psychological phenomenon of "hearing what you want to hear" or confirmation bias , where people selectively attend to informat...