Showing posts with label anunnaki. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anunnaki. Show all posts

Saturday, October 22, 2022

2 important truths in this video listed below

David Wilcock is Dropping Truths and Connections that are not known by most and how the "Earth Cycles" bring needed changes and what we will get to experience in this life. > Karma and Ascension!  1:00:45 Mark in the Rumble Video below


The 2nd Important thing of note in this video is at the beginning of the vid. 

Did you see that Australia Government Officials are holding people at Gunpoint to make sure they get the vaccinated? 

Do you know that everyone in Australia previously turned over all their guns to the government?  Let that be a warning for America. Don't Give Up Your Second Amendment Rights.





Sunday, February 14, 2021

The Plot Quickens Pt 2

 Notes from Barbara Marciniaks Pleiadian Channleings "The Plot Quickens PART 2" February 11, 2021

Barbara Marciniaks Pleiadian Channleings "The Plot Quickens PART 2" February 11, 2021

1. You are here to grow and learn ....and figure out that you are much more than you appear to be.

2. The New Moon stimulates beginnings.

3. We are all creators. There is no need to fight or battle anything.

4. Find purpose and awaken your consciousness.

5. People are disconnected from the earth due to technology and educational conditioning.

6. Its easy to manipulate human minds - especially when everyone is connected to the digital world. Don't get addicted.

7. When things are ridiculed or censored it means you're over the target.

8. The cosmos creates energetic relationships - intend to relax in the moment - trust yourself to feel safe and be safe. Clean your energetic field - send worries and concerns away for awhile. Relax - when you relax you take in more information. Your body can rebuild itself when you are in a relaxed state.

9. There is great upheaval taking place all over the planet - whats happening on earth is happening beneath our feet and in the cosmos.

10. 2/11/2021 is pronounced and profound .....The Sun and Moon... 4 planets all lined up in Aquarius - Technology can be used for you or against you. The sophistication of technology today is so beyond the average persons comprehension.

11. We are forms of consciousness - its not the end of who we are when we die. We've been apart of a mass experiment of consciousness.

12. As a form of consciousness we incarnate all over existence. Sometimes is takes a long time to cover certain distances - because once you put your toe in a certain pond of reality - you can't just dip in and say I've had a good swim , stir things up, create some problems and leave. Every reality is a commitment to be apart of.

13. The inauguration was a charade - a staging.

14. You are being shaped and fed ideas for many reasons. Those who are aware how the body operates...on soul level - thought, feeling, energy centers - you are being challenged to rewire the body and to use your biological being-ness to navigate and figure things out. Those who are over reliant on the technology side - creates addictions -people take in too much data and stimulations and know nothing and learn nothing - when the brain is over stimulated ,its unnatural.

15. Make certain that you take complete management over your can awaken new abilities - psychic radar which operates at 4 cycles or less - but if you expose yourself to screens you change the brain wave cycles to so slow you that you are in a trance like state.

16. You have willingly participated in this frenzy to figure things out....and to use the digital format and to risk yourself to EMF, order to play the game.

17. Fear is being sold today - this is how they manipulate. The slavery of fear made people afraid to think.

18. Many people were being directed to provide visions for a time they didn't even know for certain would actually exist. - 1984 By George Orwell ... and Brave New World....

19. The Pleiadians can provide you with all the hints and ideas but its really you who are succeeding in applying suggestions of reality...and challenging yourself to think and be more aware.

20. Nothing is exactly as it appears to be.

21. They want your DNA to be used in computer data systems.

22. Biden is uncertain - he turns to Jill everyday and says is this really happening - why is all the military here? White House has been dark.

23. This time is a grand majestic opportunity to move the soul forward and to heal some very ancient wounds about hierarchy and control and manipulation of your beliefs.... and your world view of reality.

24. You do not have to create harm or fight to get what you want - this is the path of empowerment towards higher consciousness.

25. Prayer is a form of directing your intentions - your beliefs.

26. There is an extraterrestrial component to all of this that is coming home to roost - that is behind the gathering of data, behind the deep fakes, behind the sophisticated planning of culling human kind - behind the emptying earth of people.

27. There are many many factions in the cosmos and the extraterrestrial world of intentions and agendas.

28. We are multi dimensional beings - we live across the lines of time on earth and also live across dimensions of reality in the cosmos. There are selfs of yours that can awaken and start to connect themselves.

29. The events of the current era are happening mostly to capture your attention on earth. There are forces battling one another.

30. Rise above the conflict and recognize what can come out of the conflicts. Aim for freedom - you don't want free stuff. A society that is encapsulated in Utopian idealism generally has been convinced they should rely on an authoritarian source to provide - have all the wealth at the top and the rest are workers. Its an ancient formula - the Anunnaki is responsible for that idea.

31. Chakras - First 2 chakras red and orange - manages how to survive and manage sexuality. Yellow is in the belly - intuition, center of power. Green is the heart - keeps you connected. You may spend lifetimes working on each of these chakras to fine tune and to learn to master the energy and to reincarnate with many of your co creators to finish up unresolved finish up areas that need healing - where there was misunderstandings and emotionally misuse of energy that created wounds of trauma that carry themselves across the lines of time. This goes for all beings...extraterrestrials and humans. We are brave souls taking on the human form.

32. We are participating in many deep fakes. We see a reality and think we are seeing one thing- but its really staged and they use super high tech that no one knows exists. There are masterful staged events that are quickening.

33. Non physical reality plays a tremendous part in all that is unfolding.

34. Look into the political arena - unpredictable - Washington D.C. is under siege - assets are being seized. Nothing is exactly as it appears to be.

35. Impeachment charade - systems collapsing due to excessive corruption. Kangaroo court.

36. Biden looking preserved, like a Ken doll. Joe and Jill still wonder why the military is there. Joe saying "unify".... as long as you unify with the way he thinks.

37. Learn to think - look behind the curtain - many things are staged. Extravagant dramas set into trap..and flush out the players. Allow the enemy to reveal themselves - many events unfolding that makes no sense.

38. The upside of the times will push you into rapid learning - and you will learn to see how easily your belief systems and your perceptions can be manipulated. Its nothing new.

39. You are being challenged to figure out if you want to be apart of the internet of human beings with an operating system that needs continuous updates... so that your consciousness can be booted up into artificial reality. You can say NO to this future.

40. Reality is flexible.

41. Many have covered for one another - there is collusion. There will be outrage - but learn how to direct the outrage into creating what you want. Do it with your mind set. You are uniting on levels you can't imagine.

42. You have Freedom to think. Today people are not taught to think - they are taught to feel as if they have been victimized and powerless. If you want to downgrade the dignity of the human spirit just convince people that they have no power. BUT you have more power than you know what to do with....yet you waste it on screens and the over whelming diet of data that doesn't do you any good.

43. The PCR covid test is to process data on the entire population.

44. The vaccines is an inserting of the mind/machine interface....A.I. engaged in rapid learning, ET's, NWO and Tech all wrapped up together.

45. Be very aware to notice more and more. If you have concerns with your health, you must do something about it. De-stress and say NO to the Ko-vid experiment. There are many falsehoods and cover ups to cause fear and economic problems. You are not alone - you have good forces working with you. Add Vit. D and Magnesium - Get Sunshine - Zinc - Vit. C .

46. You must reduce worry. The media exaggerates everything. You can't figure everything out - there are plans within plans.

47. Traitors at the top.

48. Take charge of your life - manage your emotions and feelings. They are wanting to frighten you. You will be triggered on a soul level.

49. You have to wonder why the fanaticism all of the sudden - is someone really in that much of hurry - or are events unfolding in such a way that they are staged to appear that fanatics are running the show and outdoing themselves with anti human rights mandates.

50. Its important to have a sense of humor...laugh at it.

51. There are many good forces playing their parts staging - secretively - designed to create diversions - to create cover - but other things are unfolding.

52. On Jan. 6th, Capitol riots - there were so many plans within plans on that day - no one knows for certain who really was at the bottom of things - staged. People are being played - even the ones playing you are being played by others.

53. Nothing you are dealing with is new.

54. Your attitude will determine the course of the present and your future that you find yourself within.

55. If authoritative powers can convince you of fear, then they own your future.

56. Power is in the present. You can start at any moment to make a difference.

57. Use your breathe. Breathing creates harmony - activates your body - reduces stress and anxiety - relax tongue - separate your jaw.

58. With your third eye activated - consider why you are here.

59. The Anunnaki will walk on earth again - holograms - deep fakes. Certain prominent people on earth right now are not really there. There have been removals - arrests - seizures of assets - very big stuff going on all over the planet. Hidden behind the scenes to not stir up the public. You're only seeing the tips of the ice bergs. Very good forces out there.

60. When you join in alignment with goodness there is something that happens on a spiritual level - leave you feeling energized and purposeful.

61. Imagine the lines of time opening - feeling safe - imagine a circle of light on the ground - step into it - its your personal time line portal -your chakras will be balance and brightly lit - your auric field will be close to the body and highly activated and nurturing - golden cocoon of consciousness - stand there - slowly turn around and look in 8 different directions, just like there are 8 points of the calendar year - you're going to pivot 8 different directions. Start with the Cross Quarter of Feb. 1st, then move to Spring Equinox, then move to Cross Quarter of May 1st, then move to the Summer Solstice, then move to Cross Quarter of Aug 1st, then move to Autumn Equinox, then move to Cross Quarter of Nov 1st., then move to the Winter Solstice. Think about those directions as holding a certain part of your soul story-line. ....that if you wanted to go looking for locations, points emerging in time, probable realities that you can enter. Think about one of those directions and ask for a meaningful story that is connected to the now - that is begins to unfold - then perhaps you will be led to a novel, a program, a visitation to a historical location or a chat with a friend that will remind you of your meaning and purpose.

62. Implement new dedication to your body - move more - stretch anything that will connect you with the power that the mind has over affecting the body. Part of today's programming is to destroy that connection.

63. Aim for goodness and unite for what that goodness is.

64. Anunnaki/ Atlantean experiment of the last half a million years... is all karmically due... unresolved and weighs heavy on the soul - bursting forth showing itself - its looking for expression and healing.

65. You never have to know how what you want is going to unfold - but you have to know what you want.

66. We are creators - we are creating in the mind of the great creator. Even though The Anunnaki have been a pivotal influence in the genetic experimentation of bringing to life our current biological form - they are not the ultimate creator of being. The creative force is respected and revered and wondered over by all - we are all part of this creative force - it has so many names - any truly sentient being knows of it existence - you will be fine during these times - there is a benevolent energy that helps you move forward with grace and ease.

67. Future versions of yourself are giving you the courage now as they are thinking about their past, but its your present. Just like you think about your own past and send healing to yourself.

68. Your loved ones on the other side watch over you and definitely protect you. You must have the courage to go forward and not waste your mind on foolishness - or waste your time away on media manipulation.

69. Make an intention that life unfolds with grace and ease with dignity and beauty, with a stunning purpose and with marvelous majesty - and that freedom will be restored and that the temporary insanity and fanaticism can come to an end as more and more people awaken and see that they are being led down the path of dis-empowerment.

70. You can't convince anyone to see things your way.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Smithsonian - Egypt Cataclysm 12,000 Years Ago - The CEO Astral World ...

The Great Flood, Atlantis, Early Wars, Early Humans, Anunnaki...

Anunnaki photo found on pinterest where surprisingly are good leads for additional research with proof. They were also the ones who brought nuclear to the earth and is involved in the 'flood story' per the research i've been doing on cleaning up nuclear pollution that is poisoning my stlouis neighbors. 

image source:

Disney GeoEngineering 1959 Movie

I had issues saving this movie to my files and computer. I am reposting this research here so that I don't misplace this obvious explana...