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Showing posts with the label conspiracy theory

Are you a supporter of QAnon?

Civiqs Poll QAnon Support with Registered Voters September 10, 2020 — September 7, 2024 138,827 Responses representing 100% of population Yes 3% No 75% I've never heard of QAnon 12% Unsure 9%   Support of #Qanon has decreased from 61% to 75% according to this Civiqs Poll dates: Sept 2020 - Sept 2024 ? — Scotty (@StLHandyMan) September 8, 2024 Civiqs Poll: Are you a supporter of #QAnon ? ? QAnon Support Registered Voters September 10, 2020 — September 7, 2024 138,827 Responses — Scotty (@StLHandyMan) September 8, 2024 Here is another interesting civiqs poll about how people feel about how things are in United States. I am in the group that doesn't feel we are headed in the right direction. Civics Poll: Do you think things in this country are headed in the right direction, or have they gotten off on the wrong track? ? < Most people have steadi

200 year Conspiracy pt2

200 year conspiracy pt2 is going to explore the esoteric hidden hands influencing the people who read Puck Magazine In part 1 I attempted to show how the Puck Magazine was influencing people perceptions of how the issues of the world are still an issue 200 plus years later.   Tidbits by Scotty: 200 year Conspiracy pt1 : what a wild ride it has been and it doesn't look we the people have learned a damn thing or will we be able to correct our wrongs of the past that are now coming full circle??? Normally blog posts like i'm trying to write just fly off my fingers, sorta like auto typing. This one is causing me a lil difficulty to write I just sent this msg to @GypsyMajik1122 in re to this "hint" provided yesterday I missed — Scotty (@StLHandyMan) July 27, 2024 Lets start by examining some of the underlying themes of where the name Puck is derived from.  Puck Magazine   The name "Puckish" itself became a byw

200 year Conspiracy pt1

    200 year conspiracy pt 1 - what a wild ride it has been and it doesn't look we the people have learned a damn thing or will we be able to correct our wrongs of the past that are now coming full circle ??? Was or Is it a conspiracy that I just happened to find that great artist Louis Dalrymple and Puck Magazine Political Cartoons from 1800s -  And what a strange thing for a Magazine to have for a Title Block: "What fools these Mortals be!" MIDSUMMER KNIGHTS DREAM Thank you Gypsy for the clues in the Wayback Machine Shakespeare connection. Great posts Scotty, on "poking fun at the powers" that be, and became a cultural type phenomenon. Here's a little extra info on "Puck". — Nicco (@GypsyMajik1122) July 26, 2024 The name Puck chosen in-my-opinion has both a normal word meaning as well as " esoteric meaning " Could all those great Puck Magazine Artists actually been divinely sent to help people remember things t

The Dandelion Conspiracy

i listed numerous x12 Scientific Research Papers on how #Dandelion Plant Parts are both Preventative and Reactionary to stop harmful toxins from various sources at the cellular levels in our body's. https:// ndelion-conspiracy.html Study : Common dandelion efficiently blocks the CoV2 spike protein, Study: Common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) efficiently blocks the interaction between ACE2 cell surface receptor and SARS-CoV-2 spike protein D614, mutants D614G, N501Y, K417N and E484K in vitro. Dandelion Conspiracy I call it the #DandelionConspiracy " The medicine they made you hate and convinced millions of people to spray chemicals to rid it from their lawn. 🤔" Dandelions actually stop cancer and helps our bodies against the spike protein. #DandelionConspiracy  "...inhibitor, Covid19, dandelion, SARSCOV2 prevention, SI Spike mutation ..." #DandelionConspiracy #Dandelion beats SARS-Covid  D