Showing posts with label eclipse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eclipse. Show all posts

Friday, March 29, 2024

Part2 Eclipse 2024 Tweets Theories and Stories

There is so much more relevant info that needs to be aired publically that many people are not aware of. I felt the need to add a second eclipse blog post as a follow up.  There is more videos, tweets, and follow up answers, clues, research, and so much more to ponder on.  

Tidbits by Scotty: Eclipse 2024 Tweets Theories and Stories
archived 29 Mar 2024 20:10:30 UTC 



  This is an interesting video that has some egyptian info towards the middle thru the end.

i am still having glitches uploading videos. I will figure out something and will either upload them here or get the links to the videos in my vast files of research. i switched from my laptop to the desktop and will work on the videos i have stored. while i am getting this figured out I'm going to post videos from youtube and rumble The following is a 10 minute clip from the two-hour webinar, The Eclipses of March-April 2024. Recorded March 21, 2024. To get the full webinar, go to: https://empoweringastrology.mykajabi.... Webinar Details An eclipse is one of the most important things to pay attention to in astrology. They herald the major events of our lives, from marriages and births of children to promotions and career changes. They mark fate's ups and downs as well as the sudden events that can change everything. This season we have a pair of eclipses in Libra and Aries, two signs of the zodiac that form the axis of relationship, two signs that form the I and the We of life. Without Aries we wouldn't know how to individuate, lead, and go after our desires. Without Libra, we wouldn't know how to understand and accommodate the needs of others, to form partnership and connection. That said, depending on where Aries and Libra align in our astrology and the personal planets they activate, we may see events that activate areas of our lives other than relationship. In This Webinar We’ll Cover: * What are eclipses? * Their role in the major events of our lives * The Libra archetype and how it relates to Aries, its opposing sign * The power of compromise, negotiation, and partnership * A continuation of a story that began in 2023 * The role of Venus, Mars, and Saturn in Pisces * The Libra Lunar Eclipse of March 25 at 5 degrees * The Aries Solar Eclipse of April 8 at 19 degrees * Sign-by-sign guide
#AKATU ~ Energy From The Eclipse Friends Of The Great Planet Earth! There Are Massive Amounts Of Energy Around The Planet In All Moments. Without The Movement Of Energy In Your Lives, There Would Be No Changes Or Transformation. Indeed, The Galactic Federation Is Able To Harness Any Energy On Your Behalf. The Portals Of Light Are Prepared To Cover The Planet In The Moment That Elder IKAI Gives The Command! Let's Discuss The Moon And All That Is Happening With Energy Resulting From The Eclipse. The Conversations Of Religion, Mythology And Created Nonsense Are Causing Quite A Variety Of Views And Opinions. Let's Look At Truth Alone. The Moon Is A Sacred Entity That Is Alive In Awareness Andcern Service To Life. Frequencies Are Emitted Continually As Vibrations Are Matched And Amplified. This Entity Does Not Take Sides So That Energy May Be Harnessed From Beings Desiring Harmful Outcomes As Well As Those Of The Light! There Are Bases On The Moon That Are Created By The Galactic Federation. This Area Is Undetectable And Cannot Be Touched By Any Energy Technology Or Solar Weapons. The Location Is Enjoyed With Beautiful Decor Beneath The Surface Of The Moon That Welcomes The Light! Motherships Come And Go As Entry To Crystal Walls And Meeting Areas Are Entered Seamlessly. Now We Reach The Communication That Will Allow You To Understand The Diversity Of Frequencies That Will Affect The Planet If Not Contained. Those That Plan Destruction Are Quite Busy With An Operation Known As CERN’s Particle Accelerator. The Activities That Propel Dark Energy Into The Atmosphere Is Fully Activated In These Moments Of The Eclipse Of The Moon. As The Energy Is Directed From The Moon, The CERN Accelerator Will Harness This Frequency And Amplify It. It Will Then Gain Momentum And Be Directed To Dark Portals Where Entities Gather And Wait For Signals To Act In Accordance. In Dark Activities, There Are Tunnels Of Energy That Transport These Dark Entities To Places Of Rituals. The Source Of These Evil Forces Are Oppisheklio And Pidkozox. As We Have Shared Previously, Both Of The Entities Are Contained Within Bases In Antarctica By The Galactic Federation. A Demon Named Bes, Does Their Bidding With Communications Throughout The Galaxy. The CERN Accelerator Moves In Line With Lower Frequencies To Open Portals Of Darkness And Destruction. Many Humans Will Experience Feelings Of Illness, Nausea, Dizziness And Psychic Attacks During These Operations. Meditation And Commands Will Clear The Energy Field. Affirmations With Healing Words Will Add Light To The Psyche And Stop Any Attacks From Darkness. Scientists With Great Curiosity Are Adding To Chaotic Energy As They Fire Rockets Into The Very Area Of Mass Energy From The Moon. This Frequency Is Not Intended To Harm Or Help As The Intention Is Meant To Investigate Sunlight And Temperature Changes On The Earth. But The Ramifications Could Be Hostile Without Interaction From The Galactic Federation. Motherships Are Stationed Throughout These Areas To Transmute Energy To A Form That Will Not Activate. The Essence And Integrity Of This Communication Is To Allow You To Understand Fully That You Are Safe. Dark Portals Are Present And Will Remain In Operation Until The Shift. The Power Of Light Is An Energy That Human Minds Cannot Comprehend. There Is Not A Moment That You Are Not Bathed In The Light By Pleiadians. Enjoy The Eclipse Of The Moon As This Is A Sacred Event. Nothing Just Happens And The Direction Of This Powerful Entity That You Call The Moon, Is Serving You Well. With Silence And Peace, You Are Part Of The Great Change Of Life! EN EEKE MAI EA! I Love You So! AKATU 5:56 AM · Mar 31, 2024


This period between the lunar eclipse and the solar eclipse is when you will find yourself shedding your old, now non-functional, relationships. Or they will shed you. It may be somewhat disconcerting for the normies around you as this change manifests. You may find yourself shocked at how you are now feeling about even some long standing relationships. This is the time of letting go. If the ropes don't serve you, they bind you. The solar eclipse on the 8th will be a doorway to a new form of perception for you, as you watch your mind reacting to the emerging HyperNovelty. This doorway is a personal size opening, and you won't be taking the others will you in this exploration. Time to let old bindings slough off. As you get into this, if your compass comes adrift of its pointing, remember the old adage, "When in doubt, breathe slowly, deeply, in and out." 5:13 PM · Mar 31, 2024

@sadforjournos It did earlier... Grok @grok Here is a list of solar eclipses in the last 100 years with their magnitudes: 
  1. July 20, 1963: Total solar eclipse with a magnitude of 1.056 
  2.  March 7, 1970: Total solar eclipse with a magnitude of 1.043 
  3.  July 10, 1972: Total solar eclipse with a magnitude of 1.074 
  4.  February 26, 1979: Total solar eclipse with a magnitude of 1.046 
  5.  July 31, 1981: Total solar eclipse with a magnitude of 1.046 
  6.  June 21, 1982: Total solar eclipse with a magnitude of 1.046 
  7.  May 30, 1984: Total solar eclipse with a magnitude of 1.062 
  8.  July 22, 1990: Total solar eclipse with a magnitude of 1.079 
  9.  November 3, 1994: Total solar eclipse with a magnitude of 1.021 
  10.  August 11, 1999: Total solar eclipse with a magnitude of 1.029 
  11.  June 21, 2001: Total solar eclipse with a magnitude of 1.023 
  12.  December 4, 2002: Total solar eclipse with a magnitude of 1.023 
  13.  March 29, 2006: Total solar eclipse with a magnitude of 1.052 
  14.  August 1, 2008: Total solar eclipse with a magnitude of 1.039 
  15.  July 22, 2009: Total solar eclipse with a magnitude of 1.079 
  16.  November 13, 2012: Total solar eclipse with a magnitude of 1.050 
  17.  March 20, 2015: Total solar eclipse with a magnitude of 1.045 
  18.  August 21, 2017: Total solar eclipse with a magnitude of 1.031 
  19.  July 2, 2019: Total solar eclipse with a magnitude of 1.046 
  20.  December 14, 2020: Total solar eclipse with a magnitude of 1.025 
  21.  December 4, 2021: Total solar eclipse with a magnitude of 1.037 
  22.  April 8, 2024: Total solar eclipse with a magnitude of 1.079 
  23.  August 12, 2026: Total solar eclipse with a magnitude of 1.039 
  24.  August 2, 2027: Total solar eclipse with a magnitude of 1.076 J
  25. uly 22, 2028: Total solar eclipse with a magnitude of 1.056 
  26.  November 25, 2030: Total solar eclipse with a magnitude of 1.021 
  27.  March 30, 2033: Total solar eclipse with a magnitude of 1.046 
  28.  September 2, 2035: Total solar eclipse with a magnitude of 1.032 
  29.  June 21, 2039: Total solar eclipse with a magnitude of 1.074 
  30.  May 20, 2050: Total solar eclipse with a magnitude of 1.074 

 These eclipses are listed in chronological order, and the magnitudes are rounded to three decimal places for easier comparison. 

 Riley Canine @sadforjournos: where was the 1972 eclipse? Grok@grok:The 1972 total solar eclipse occurred on July 10, 1972. It was visible along a narrow path that began in the far eastern portions of the Soviet Union (which now belongs to Russia), crossed the Arctic Ocean, and then traversed the far northern portions of North America, including parts of Alaska, Canada, and the Canadian Maritimes. The eclipse ended over the North Atlantic Ocean. 

 Riley Canine @sadforjournos: when was the last time the USA had a total eclipse & what was it's magnitude? Grok@grok: The last time the United States experienced a total solar eclipse was on August 21, 2017. The magnitude of this eclipse was 1.031.

 Riley Canine @sadforjournos: where was it? Grok@grok: The total solar eclipse of 2017 occurred on August 21, 2017. It was visible along a narrow path that began in the far eastern portions of the Soviet Union (which now belongs to Russia), crossed the Arctic Ocean, and then traversed the far northern portions of North America, including parts of Alaska, Canada, and the Canadian Maritimes. The eclipse ended over the North Atlantic Ocean. link

Predicting earthquakes is a challenging task, as they are complex natural phenomena with many factors at play. Scientists use various methods to study earthquakes and make predictions, but these predictions are not always accurate or precise. Some of the methods used for earthquake prediction include: 1) Statistical analysis: Scientists analyze historical data on earthquake occurrences to identify patterns and trends that may help predict future events. This method is based on the assumption that earthquakes may follow certain patterns, such as the recurrence interval of large earthquakes along a fault. 2)Seismic monitoring: Researchers use seismographs and other instruments to monitor seismic activity in real-time. By analyzing the data, they can identify precursors to earthquakes, such as changes in seismic wave velocity or the release of radon gas from the Earth's crust. 3)Geodetic measurements: Scientists use GPS and other geodetic techniques to measure the deformation of the Earth's crust over time. This can help them identify areas where strain is accumulating, which may indicate an increased likelihood of an earthquake. Machine learning and artificial intelligence: Researchers are using machine learning algorithms to analyze large datasets and identify patterns that may help predict earthquakes. These algorithms can learn from historical data and make predictions based on the relationships they identify. Despite these efforts, predicting earthquakes with a high degree of accuracy remains elusive. Scientists continue to study and refine their methods, but there is still much to learn about the complex processes that drive these events.

 The eclipses have seemingly been a judgement marker for those involved with the CABAL. (This is why so many have been warning to be prepared during this time frame!). [They] are running out of time here and will stop at nothing to preserve [their] way of life. Even if you don't see or hear of something immense being reported or happening that day, don't believe "nothing is happening." (Much often happens behind the curtain.) After all, most of us never knew what the cabal was really doing....until we did!

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Eclipse 2024 Tweets Theories and Stories

 I am still letting the tweets write the eclipse 2024 story! I couldn't make these things up in even my wildest dreams or scariest nightmare! 

blog note reader suggestions: upon opening this blog post all the tweets i've added will become active and your browser window or cellphone will update at this time.   The videos in these embedded twitter posts can be viewed here on this blog or by following the link to twitter. You don't have to have a twitter account to view the tweets or the contents.

here is a look at what the people in the US will or may see in the upcoming Eclipse.

note to self link the kim goguen file here and put the videos in this blogpost. United Network News Bootleg Clips by Scotty check out the comments for more info - i've made a few UNN blog posts they can be found here: Join the UNITED NETWORK NEWS (UNN) sponsorship family today and be a catalyst for knowledge and change. Your support will empower us to curate and distribute high-quality content, reaching a wide audience and sparking meaningful discussions. Together, let's make a real impact on this enlightening journey of sharing information. or suport us here: Visit our website at This website has been following Kim Goguen for years and almost word for word shares the ground command reports w/ other research into the stuff she shares: here are the blog posts from that site tagged w/ Kim Goguen the following tweets can be viewed at ThreadReaderApp note to self add video here

Here is where Egypt comes into the conversation via NASA

If I have missed a tweet or anything you the reader needs to added feel free to contact me thru the blog comment or on twitter and I'll make sure it gets added to the eclipse blog post as time allows. 

Donate Here To Support Scottys Independent Citizen Journalist Activities$StlScotty  


Eclipse Videos
There is so much more relevant info that needs to be aired publically that many people are not aware of. I felt the need to add a second eclipse blog post as a follow up.  There is more videos, tweets, and follow up answers, clues, research, and so much more to ponder on.  

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psychology they are saying what I want to hear

The psychological phenomenon of "hearing what you want to hear" or confirmation bias , where people selectively attend to informat...