Showing posts with label fake news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fake news. Show all posts

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Wake Up Call – New World Order (Full Doc / 2008)

For all the people who somehow think that something in the government has changed because of the election, this is your WAKE UP CALL! Before you dismiss this film as some sort of conspiracy nonsense, I challenge you to DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH on the topics covered! Its time to WAKE UP!

Topics Covered: The New World Order, Federal Reserve, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council On Foreign Relations, North American Union, The Rockefeller / Rothschild Families, Freemasonry, Bohemian Grove, The Illuminati, Illuminati Symbolism, Problem Reaction Solution, 9/11, War Profiteering, The Phony 'War On Terrorism', The Impending 'Big Brother Surveillance Society', The War On Civil Liberties, Microchipping, Mind Control, Media Control And 'Education System' Indoctrination.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Kim Goguen Interview with Benjamin Fulford

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Twitter Lesson of the Day StLSystemBuster


@GHOSTOFCHAOS420 @POTUS @VP @GenFlynn @GentryTrotter @Grow_Fruit_Fl @DC_Draino @FoxNews @cnni @5150TatorSalad @MSNBC @NowPammsy @tonymess < Learn to spot the Propaganda

@GHOSTOFCHAOS420 @POTUS @VP @GenFlynn @GentryTrotter @Grow_Fruit_Fl @DC_Draino @FoxNews @cnni @5150TatorSalad @MSNBC @NowPammsy @tonymess @jimmy_dore @hodgetwins @DevourerOmen @stillgray @CathyCathyFox @cureworks @JennaEllisEsq 

Anyone else tired of the Cabals #BrokenRecord?

@GHOSTOFCHAOS420 @POTUS @VP @GenFlynn @GentryTrotter @Grow_Fruit_Fl @DC_Draino @FoxNews @cnni @5150TatorSalad @MSNBC @NowPammsy @tonymess @jimmy_dore @hodgetwins @DevourerOmen @stillgray @CathyCathyFox @cureworks @JennaEllisEsq

Its all #PoliticalTheatre ran by the #MilitaryIndustrialComplex

@GHOSTOFCHAOS420 @POTUS @VP @GenFlynn @GentryTrotter @Grow_Fruit_Fl @DC_Draino @FoxNews @cnni @5150TatorSalad @MSNBC @NowPammsy @tonymess @jimmy_dore @hodgetwins @DevourerOmen @stillgray @CathyCathyFox @cureworks @JennaEllisEsq

what is THIS crazy idea you got now Scotty? 

i got THIS idea 

what is THIS crazy idea you got now Scotty?

@GHOSTOFCHAOS420 @POTUS @VP @GenFlynn @GentryTrotter @Grow_Fruit_Fl @DC_Draino @FoxNews @cnni @5150TatorSalad @MSNBC @NowPammsy @tonymess @jimmy_dore @hodgetwins @DevourerOmen @stillgray @CathyCathyFox @cureworks @JennaEllisEsq

cuz i'm sure tired of watching you all do this 


@GHOSTOFCHAOS420 @POTUS @VP @GenFlynn @GentryTrotter @Grow_Fruit_Fl @DC_Draino @FoxNews @cnni @5150TatorSalad @MSNBC @NowPammsy @tonymess @jimmy_dore @hodgetwins @DevourerOmen @stillgray @CathyCathyFox @cureworks @JennaEllisEsq

because if the Puppet Show Continues and everyone keeps playing along with the Movie. 


@GHOSTOFCHAOS420 @POTUS @VP @GenFlynn @GentryTrotter @Grow_Fruit_Fl @DC_Draino @FoxNews @cnni @5150TatorSalad @MSNBC @NowPammsy @tonymess @jimmy_dore @hodgetwins @DevourerOmen @stillgray @CathyCathyFox @cureworks @JennaEllisEsq

it won't take much longer and everyone will realize they can cut those puppet masters cords 


@GHOSTOFCHAOS420 @POTUS @VP @GenFlynn @GentryTrotter @Grow_Fruit_Fl @DC_Draino @FoxNews @cnni @5150TatorSalad @MSNBC @NowPammsy @tonymess @jimmy_dore @hodgetwins @DevourerOmen @stillgray @CathyCathyFox @cureworks @JennaEllisEsq

and we can have #peace 

@GHOSTOFCHAOS420 @POTUS @VP @GenFlynn @GentryTrotter @Grow_Fruit_Fl @DC_Draino @FoxNews @cnni @5150TatorSalad @MSNBC @NowPammsy @tonymess @jimmy_dore @hodgetwins @DevourerOmen @stillgray @CathyCathyFox @cureworks @JennaEllisEsq

because the World will be in our hands.


• • • 

Thursday, November 3, 2022

we the people news

Here is the info you are not hearing on FAKE NEWS outlets

This info by David Wilcock was added after posting

Thursday, March 17, 2022

finally some truth from msm

Free Your Mind

When the Truth Comes Out (Walt Disney) About Magic Kingdom

not much on this Disney pedo bust yet though

Monday, March 14, 2022

Fake News Regurgitating Old War Zone Clips

This is proof of the Fake News Agendas to War Monger 


Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Global Media is Corrupt Video

 The GLOBAL media is corrupt. The GLOBAL media is spreading propaganda.


HARD TRUTH: There’s a sick, sinister agenda being pushed by big tech & the media to put the CCP in control 

Here’s the bottom line — red blooded American Patriots will NEVER allow that to happen.

Disney GeoEngineering 1959 Movie

I had issues saving this movie to my files and computer. I am reposting this research here so that I don't misplace this obvious explana...