Showing posts with label good vs evil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label good vs evil. Show all posts

Friday, October 28, 2022

My Challenge to Tom MacDonald

How can the woke folk influence the #sheeple in positive ways so they too see what we see? 

 Old Adage: Divided They Win

 United We Win. Its us vs them. 

 idea - Challenge: use your skills and abilities to bring us ALL together. 


Tuesday, March 30, 2021

God Wins- You knew that already though

Importantly, we have already passed the point of convergence in these timelines, meaning there’s nothing that Satan, the deep state and demonic forces can do to stop the ultimate victory of good over evil. It doesn’t mean they won’t try to cause as much pain, suffering and destruction as possible in their last remaining moves, but the final outcome is already preordained. Listen to today’s inspiring Situation Update podcast for full details:

psychology they are saying what I want to hear

The psychological phenomenon of "hearing what you want to hear" or confirmation bias , where people selectively attend to informat...