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Showing posts with the label UFC

what does maga really stand for

Another MAGA Connection — Lizzie N (@LizzyRevelation) August 11, 2024 I couldn't ignore this post when I came accross it and the MAGA connection.  I  also, couldn't really understand why DJT was supporting WWE wrestling, since it was so fake.   maga listed as 5th degree in Church of Satan Hierachy What does politics have in common with late night wrestling? Everything. Think about it ... It's highly orchestrated and completely fake Here are some other connections with UFC wrestling and zionist  This video explains so much b/c "I also, couldn't really understand why DJT was supporting UFC wrestling, since it was so fake." — Scotty (@StLHandyMan) July 5, 2024   like the "boss" tsk tsk tsk.... — Scotty (@StLHandyMan) July 5, 2024 This makes a little sense, see the post below.  I made some screen shots of the quoted info from the weblinked info of the Church of Satan and a