Showing posts with label bill of rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bill of rights. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

pt 2 1st Amendment Blog Series

Here is how I let the tweets write the story 

The prior blog postings can be viewed here


Are bloggers protected by First Amendment?

US Constitution Bill of Rights Clearly States: 

The First Amendment provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise. It protects freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


The First Amendment provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise. It protects freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances
The First Amendment provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise. It protects freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances

 The Structural Hole filled by my tweets aka #SystemBuster are the Truth the Cabal and its minions do not want publicized. aka the #Bridge needed in this #Matrix of Good vs Evil.

— systembuster (@stlsystembuster) October 30, 2022

  •  Bloggers and creators are entitled to free speechBloggers and creators can be journalists (and journalists can be bloggers).... if you engage in journalism you're a journalist with all of the attendant rights privileges and protections. Blogger and Other Creator Rights (See Apple v. Does.) You have rights and it’s more important than ever for individuals to be able to speak out and share material with their communities online. Your legitimate speech is protected and we at EFF are here to help uplift all voices to ensure the creativity of everyone.







 Photo Journalist Reviews - Freedom of Speech

As I mentioned in  First Amendment Censoship Blog Series pt readers of this blog, blog 1blog 2blog 3, tumblr 1Photo Archive 1Photo Archive 2Facebook 1Facebook 2twitter 1, and twitter 2  .My blogs and social media posts are read by people from all over the world for various things. 

Including helping others with as a photo journalist reviews Google Map Reviews of various places.   Recently Google Maps informed me that the information I had submitted has been reviewed by 300,00 people! 

Scottys Google Map Reviews helped 300,000 people

I take pride in Helping others its not always about exposing corruption, here are additional details about these Google Map Photos and Reviews
Additional Details Scottys Photo Journalist Google Map Info
Additional Details Scottys Photo Journalist Google Map Info

The comments I receive from the Group Members of the Photo Journalis file of over 30,000 pictures that expose the underworld of the Evil Cabals Human Trafficking for Sex Slaves and Adrenochrome is the reason I will share the stories that the Main Street Media sources are reluctant to share.
Breadcrumbs - trail of corruption and dirty deeds 30,000+ Memes, Photos, Deep State Weblinks of Research - sorted by date check out the comments for weblinks to sorted memes by Person
Breadcrumbs - trail of corruption and dirty deeds 30,000+ Memes, Photos, Deep State Weblinks of Research - sorted by date check out the comments for weblinks to sorted memes by Person 

everyone here is welcome in my meme home!!! help yourselves don' be shy!!! ps: leave the light on so others can find it in the dark!

Here is the comment left on this Photo: Thank you for what you do! I would literally be insane without all of the other Patriots out there! My father and grandfather who both were stringent military men would be proud of each and every one of you!

Here is a request and reply in my photo journalist file: Breadcrumbs - trail of corruption and dirty deeds 30,000+ Memes, Photos, Deep State Weblinks of Research - sorted by date check out the comments for weblinks to sorted memes by Person
Here is a request and reply in my photo journalist file: Breadcrumbs - trail of corruption and dirty deeds 30,000+ Memes, Photos, Deep State Weblinks of Research - sorted by date check out the comments for weblinks to sorted memes by Person   

what a journey it has been since it all started, thank you all for hanging around, sharing, and supporting my efforts to bust the matrix to pieces. i'm hearing it is 2/3 over and we should actually see the end results in real time.

Here is a recap of Pt 1 Tweet Thread 1st Amendment Freedome of Speech Censorship and the blog post can be viewed here 

First Amendment Censoship Blog Series pt 1

Blog Post No3 in a blog series on Freedom of Speech rights that everyone in the United States of America is granted under the First Amendment Rights of the United States Constituion.

pt 2 1st Amedment Blog Series

Pt 3 in the 1st Amendment Blog Series will highlight additional tools and steps everyone can take to preserve your tweets and social media posts and other hints and suggestions I have figured out over the many years of blogging with todays tweet storm of the content shared today.

Disney GeoEngineering 1959 Movie

I had issues saving this movie to my files and computer. I am reposting this research here so that I don't misplace this obvious explana...