Showing posts with label nih collins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nih collins. Show all posts

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Today Collins Next Fauci

 [NIH Director] Collins is a criminal and has been taken to a processing center from where he will be sent to a military penitentiary to await trial source RRN


JAG investigators then produced printed copies of lengthy email exchanges between Collins and Fauci. In them, the devious doctors plotted to maliciously discredit and malign credible scientists and physicians who questioned the need for lockdowns and mask and vaccine mandates. Their correspondence clearly showed that Collins was a willing participant in the Deep State’s plan to defame critics of its narrative. In one email Collins wrote, “We need to focus on scientists with credibility. We should destroy them, digging into their past and the past of their family and friends, look for anything we can find to impugn them,”

psychology they are saying what I want to hear

The psychological phenomenon of "hearing what you want to hear" or confirmation bias , where people selectively attend to informat...