Showing posts with label Social Network Analysis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Network Analysis. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

@The1Parzival Algo Bustin

the clue was found in the 2nd movie here.
The1Parzival exposes the twitter censorship algos
video example: How Your Free Speech is Controlled on X - Deep Dive | The Parzival x Matt Kim #126 Parzival guides us through the code behind the Twitter files and how much of it is still in place today on Elon’s X. The Free Speech Platform turns out to be full of narrative control levers…

The Tweets and X Posts Will Rite The Story

I will be adding more info in the near future I was just rushing to get this blog post going so I could reply to his Quote Tweet.

The1Parzival Algo Bustin
Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purpose such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

First Amendment Censoship Blog Series pt 1

Here is how I let the tweets write the story 

The prior blog postings can be viewed here

Blog Post No3 in a blog series on Freedom of Speech rights that everyone in the United States of America is granted under the First Amendment Rights of the United States Constituion.

The coincidental synchronicty of the past few days where I have actually been designing DIY Press Pass Identification Badges and actually applying for a International Press Pass with US Press Agency (examples below).  I happily report the Offical Internation Press Pass Application is currently in review as I write this blog post up.  If anyone would like to financialy support my endeavor to obtain this official Press Pass let me know.

International Press Pass US Press Agency

  • Thanks to USPA, an international press pass is now also available for part-time journalists and media professionals.
  • You´re likely aware of the problem - press associations exclude an important group from receiving press passes. If you are a journalist or media professional who is only working part time, you´ve probably been denied your own press pass in the past. Another issue: Event organizers nowadays want to know for which agency you work - in most cases, your membership in an association is of little importance.
  • Become a member of USPA now and get your international press pass. As a recognized and official press agency, we are authorized to issue press passes and are open to all contributing editors, photojournalists and other people with journalistic ambitions.
  • We are the strong partner at your side. USPA News is our news agency and warrantor of your journalistic occupation. Market your articles and photos through USPA News and name USPA News whenever you are asked for your agency - all doors will be open to you!

Irregardless of whether I obtain an offical press pass registered with this agency my blog posts exposing corruption are still PROTECTED under the First Amedment of the United States Constitution.

And this is why I have designed this DIY press badge. I still have writes as a blogger under the 1st Amendment Free Speech Clause.  I've been blogging and exposing corruption on Numerous Blogs owned by myself and others for years.  In addition to social media accounts on twitter, facebook, and tumblr. 

DIY Press Pass Scotty
Scottys DIY Press Pass Badge

my actual censorship list of my Freedom of Speech violations is rather lengthy

All of my Social Media Accounts that expose corruption of Politicians, Laws, Regulations, wrong doings of Corporations and companies have been censored, shadowbanned, and removed numerous times as the readers of this blog, blog 1, blog 2, blog 3, tumblr 1, Photo Archive 1, Photo Archive 2, Facebook 1, Facebook 2, twitter 1, and twitter 2  ... . 

 Tidbits by Scotty: Repost against censorship Reddit QAnon Opinion: Here is another odd one. Long ago I made this post about Alex Jones and James Corsi I found on Reddit about Qanon.  Repost against censorshi...

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Backing UP the censored stuff

 Hints,Tips and Observations

Here are a few of the tools that i use to save and preserve videos, screenshots, and research photos.
  1.  DDLVID allows me to download videos and gifs from Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and Telegram.  That's how i posted the videos below directly on this blog post about the cabbage patch kids and the app that does screenshots, just in case Youtube deemed it inappropriate and should be removed it similar to other countless vids that "come up missing" or what they call "deplatformed"
  2. Screen Capture and Recorder by Screeny is a Google Chrome Add On Extension that will take screenshots 3 different ways, and will record whatever is on the computer screen. For safekeeping I recorded the Dr Jane post 2 different ways with the video function.  Those videos are also posted below.
  3. Photo Research for learning more about where a photo is from or for researching additional info I use TinEye I have the google chrome extension installed and somehow it also works via the dialog when I right click on the mouse.  Rarely do I not find an image or more details about an image.  today was an exception
i've mentioned on twatter a few times: i wasn't born with one of these computers or cell phones in my hands and i still struggle daily getting them to do what I want when I want. I learn alot by trial and error and the school of hard knocks plus *sometimes reading the instructions that the designers include with the apps and how to use.  Most of the time I just bail right in and learn by doing.  Then when I can't figure it out i then go to the instructions since i'm a little more versed on what the "thingy" does i'm trying to use. 

Don't be afraid to experiment. AND ALWAYS HAVE A BACKUP!  



I recently noticed AGAIN that my Tumblr Blog Platform also called Scottys Tidbits was attempting to stop me from sharing this youtube vid suggested by one of the Truthers I follow and chat with.

This is actually what prompted me to make this short blog post that has now morphed into an instructional post as well. 
Watch it for yourself, Why would someone or something try to censor something about Cabbage Patch Kids or Growing Babies? 

here is the tumblr post weblinks:  Scottys Tidbits on Tumblr

 Its rather obvious of the Big Tech shenanigans involved in censorship activities. The recent court case that the Missouri Attorney General is involved in is one of the BIGGEST and has the most damning evidence that is easily seen by anyone who is not living under a rock for the past few years. 

I wonder what will be the outcome of this trial; especially if the facts that Big Tech is basically hiding the truth that myself and many others pointed out in re to the damage and warnings of the Covid Clot Shot.

I have even caught whomever controls this "Blogger Platform" recently involved in trying to censor posts.  

Long ago when Dr Jane was first warning of the Autopsy Clot Shot damage posted here

blogger postpreview

the copied html code is also saved here.

Dr. Jane Ruby - WARNING: EXTREMELY GRAPHIC - Stop Getting Vaccinated IMMEDIATELY - SHOCK Images

Paul Stramer - Lincoln County Watch: Dr. Jane Ruby - WARNING: EXTREMELY GRAPHIC - Stop ...:  

or listen to the Inventor of the mRNA vaccine who had a moment of clarity about the invention he brought on the world.  Dr Robert W Malone

Treatment suggestions for those who were tricked into the Clot shots are posted in the next blog bost. 

I appreciate the Doctors mentioning of the Plants the meds are derived from.

TRUTH In Medicine

The only survivors… Will be the ones who were renegades, resistors, and non-compliant.

It’s that simple

if you have found any of the information, tips, hints, and ways to stop censorship activities, need assistance, or would like to hire a freelance helper for your online activities feel free to contact scotty here and donations are accepted thru cashapp and other platforms. 

Sunday, October 30, 2022

ShadowBan Tester for Twitter

 If you have ever wondered why your tweets are not reaching a wider audience, try out the ShadowBan Tester like I did today.

Sunday 11.6.2022  Shadowban Test Report Update:    

The ShadowBan Tester had a RED WARNING  SEARCH SUGGESTION BAN with a web link to TIE STRENGTH  

The TIE STRENGTH web link on wikipedia page was about measuring social network analysis.  

Social network analysis (SNA) is the process of investigating social structures through the use of networks and graph theory. It characterizes networked structures in terms of nodes (individual actors, people, or things within the network) and the ties, edges, or links (relationships or interactions) that connect them.


Lower on the wiki-page it had Distributions, Bridges- all are associated with: TIE STRENGTH 


Bridge: An individual whose weak ties fill a structural hole, providing the only link between two individuals or clusters. It also includes the shortest route when a longer one is unfeasible due to a high risk of message distortion or delivery failure

I wouldn't even be checking on my Tweet Performance or Analytics if I had not been a prior victim of "Censorship" on the Twitter Platform.  These censorship activities are well documented by Truthers Everywhere. 

Here are examples why I was censored prior to Elon Musk purchasing twitter.  Its obvious I was actually tweeting about the corruption going on in the world as well as spiritual issues to help those on their path to a higher consciousness. 


psychology they are saying what I want to hear

The psychological phenomenon of "hearing what you want to hear" or confirmation bias , where people selectively attend to informat...