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Showing posts with the label synchronicity

Baby Motor Dream

a recent dream i had:  i was at some store, like a Casey's convenience store, walking up to the front door, i saw a vehicle without a hood and there was an infant precariously laying on the motor, nobody was around. i think the motor was running, it was a weird motor, when i reached out to help the baby it fell off the motor to the ground.  i crawled under the vehicle then, i realized the baby was fine, as i held it in my arms, something was said to me or i stated to whomever just walked up: " you don't deserve this baby ". the motor looked odd, like it was backwards, i think when i tried to adjust the baby so that it laid in a more comfortable position is when it disconnected from the motor or whatever was holding it in place. i flipped out when that happened, i realized i should have just grabbed it, but the baby was ok.    if it was a regular motor in a vehicle, there is no way anything could fall to the ground without getting lodged on the parts below.  i also thi