Showing posts with label pedophile. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pedophile. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Ryan Montgomery - #1 Ethical Hacker Who Hunts Child Predators One Live On Podcast | SRS #56

Friday, February 17, 2023

I will never support pedos or their enablers

 systembuster @stlsystembuster 

#kerrycasidy #projectcamelot I will never support those who enable #pedophilia or are enabling others to take advantage of children. For the readers of this tweet here is the screenshot on I left on her fb page.……?  

2) this whole "white hats" Q thing and are in control is a total psyop. Look at what you mentioned that the Ohio Train was a deep state move. Do you not remember how the Whitehats have been bragging for years they have things undercontrol? People that have things under control 

3) and are supposedly working w/ God do not let bad things happen to innocent people. In War that is called Cannon Fodder. Once again needless lives were sacrificed for the War Mongers aka Military Industrial Complex...aka who the white hats are.  

If i am missing something hmu 

here is how the Military Industrial Complex thinks. aka what I also call the "bigger hammer rules" and is basically where humanity is headed if these orgs not held in check by We The People.  


Source: Thread:

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Blackmail Gun Pedophilia Murder Videos Lin Wood

Lin Wood, pedophilia, blackmail, murder, Videos

and how the Politicians get snared in the traps set by the Illuminati

Lin Wood, pedophile, blackmail, murder, Videos

Who Are "THEY"

Who Are "THEY" is on the UNSEEN REALM, Demons, Aliens, Orbs and UFO's  In this short presentation, Trey Smith does a walk-thro...