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Showing posts with the label Clone

Mar. 18th: FAKE Joe Biden now confirmed… it’s all just a movie

Whatever the real explanation, we now know with 100% certainty that the Biden videos being released are completely faked, using multi-layered video compositing tricks carried out with horrific, glaring errors that any competent viewer should immediately recognize. Yet, astonishingly,  Democrats who watch this video don’t see anything wrong . This is true even when you point it out to them! They have literally lost the ability to cognitively function, just like Biden himself. We are now living in a devolved libtard society, where Leftists are cognitively retarded, unable to see that their “president” is a CGI mirage, and incapable of observing reality.

Pence is Cabal Code Monkey

 VP Pence is compromised as is no surprise by me and many others including Code Monkey- MOAB drop 3   “Rosenstein, together with Pence's knowledge and consent, went on to help engineer the entire coup attempt against President Trump [...] and promote Pence to the Presidency, at which point, Pence would turn around and appoint Rod Rosenstein as VP.” — Ron (@CodeMonkeyZ) January 6, 2021