Sunday, April 25, 2021

Nuremberg Code Covid Vax Violation

You have the right to refuse medical experimentation such as the Vaccine

It was granted in the Nuremberg Codes in 1947.  We are going to have these trials again Fauci and many doctors and employers will face trial.

If you are being pressured by peers, employers tell them to do their research on this Vaccine EXPERIMENT then speak.... this experiment is not a cure it is 

G E N O C I D E   & S T E R I L I Z A T I O N  OF   T H E   H U M A N            RACE    

it’s not meant to cure anyone as people are still getting covid, getting blood clots, losing their babies, getting sick, sterilizing people dying.....It’s early in the experiment just wait til that protein destroys immune systems and people wonder why they are sick and dying.

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