Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Notes from Barbara Marciniaks Pleiadian Channelings -The Plot Quickens Part 4 - April 11, 2021.

Notes by Tisha Faizi-Rubright

1. What a reality it is!!

2. Expand your consciousness - open your mind to all kinds of considerations and cease from coming to conclusions or jumping to judgements.

3. There is machinery that can track activity that goes on in your cranium. Brain wave cycles.

4. In todays world we are being tricked to the extreme.

5. The entirety of the crisis in consciousness is occurring in our corner of existence.

6. The more you are willing to expand your ideas of who, what, how and where things transpired the more you grow in consciousness.

7. There are no victims. But in order to conquer you the conquerers had to convince you that you are a victim. The whole idea that you are a victim sets you into the ideology that you can't think and you can't do things for yourself. If you think you are powerless then you think you need someone to take care of you.

8. Genetic experimentation , Genetic engineering and Genetic fanaticism has created life forms that are not necessarily born out of a natural biological state.

9. The P's watch our fun, follies, foolishness and wisdom. The P's like to work with us because they like to boost our confidence into greater wisdom.

10. May 18th will be 33 years that the P's have been speaking to us.

11. You can find the P's on

12. Some people are far too confused because they dip into the media and that hypnotic trance inducing confusing state is so affective that its dumbed down the world.

13. Saturn, the big teacher, the lord of karma...recently moved into the sign of Aquarius...which is humanity, human rights and technology....human rights - the right for you to wake up to this goodness inside yourself that wants you to thrive.

14. Humans are a very curious race and a genetically engineered race.

15. We are undergoing a huge crisis in consciousness because we have been manipulated into believing something that has been out staged and fauxed into existence. We have been fauxed by one of the biggest fauxs out there...Dr. Fauci. Faux means fake.

16. One of the most enigmatic symbols is the picture of the game board ...the black and white checkered board - very important.

17. Think like a cosmic being. Keep your feet on the ground, be practical, be skillful, be productive.

18. We live with purpose and the purpose is determined by you. You decide.

19. Be prepared by preparing yourselves with shaping your future and intentions in the moment.

20. The P's main message for 33 years is "your thoughts create your reality".... Listen to the Seth material channeled by Jane Roberts.

21. Not only do your thoughts create your reality.... but you are going to really need to embrace, except and grow with and incorporate that truth and ideology if you're going to make it through the times ahead.

22. Reality is configured in terms of numbers and mathematics.

23. Reality is driven by the media.

24. Some may see these times as a cleansing of evil, dark forces, cabal, entities of beings that have taken over as part of the human experiment.

25. Just because you have a body - does not mean that your consciousness and the being that you're learning to become maintains full sovereignty as the operator. Theres all kinds of things that happen to people in life....disappointment, trauma, depression, karma....You must learn about your power and thoughts - sloppy thoughts, secret thoughts, intentional thoughts, good thoughts, subversive thoughts. Thoughts fueled by feelings. You can't escape your thoughts...this is the conundrum of being in a human form...this is what consciousness must figure out....this is why people become addicts, alcoholics, drug abusers, or they go into strict rituals or restrict themselves to a monistic type of life...they don't know how to deal with consciousness.

26. Learn to control yourself in a body and to find purpose. You do have the freedom to learn.

27. In your learning the graciousness of existence always provides teachers. The big question is how good of a learner are you? Do you rebel, respect, learn quickly, slow learner? You are free to reject the wisdom that others provide for you. Each of you makes your own decisions.

28. Theres no such thing in hiding who you are. Its in existence.

29. Create no harm because what you do will come back to you. There are some painful karmic cycles that people experience.

29. Credence oriented agendas serve no purpose except for those who want to control you. In order to be controlled you have to believe that you have no power. But you are powerful and you must grasp that for yourself and become a magnet to draw it to yourself.

30. The ridiculousness of whats happening right now was designed as a plan to awaken all of us.

31. The technologies that we have are from ET's. Some ET's are good and some ET's are really bad.

32. Eisenhower had treaties with ET's in exchange for technology...which set us into the modern age. Which lead to experiments on people.

33. mRNA designed to change your DNA. Will cause a breakdown of the human system. Movement towards bioweapon genocide.

34. There are many agendas...some are using ko-vid for lockdowns, destroy economies, create panic and fear. Someone at the top is issuing orders. Some who are giving the orders are not human.

35. Do not abdicate your humanity.

36. Israel has the most vakksinated people on the planet...they are making them use passports. They are forcing this on them.

37. When you learn something and you pretend you haven't learned it - the cosmos never forgets - the field of existence is imprinted by who you are no matter where you are.

38. The youth who protested, burned, looted and destroyed things .... it does not bode well for how their lives will unfold, that is the energy they will meet.

39. How much longer will this go on? Theres always the unexpected, contingency plans, ET's, those that want freedom, those that observe, those who just want genetic material, there are purely demonic forces and want to take over people so that the person is no longer there, those who were involved in the advancement of cloning and the clones you see can be and were produced in batches,.

40. The Anunnaki colonized all throughout our solar system. They also build lifeforms to work for them, build life forms to work beneath the oceans, build life forms for living underground, build life forms to mine the Moon and Mars.

41. We are co-creators in this time - to grasp the glorious meaning to all of existence.

42. Yes there are dark forces ....and they get stuck in those vibrations.

43. When you are genuinely honest, grateful and helpful and dare to belief that you can imagine a future for yourself unfolding with vibrancy, health, wealth and happiness....if you can really hold on to those concepts...that is a victory of consciousness in a human body...and you take that with take your reputation, character, all your actions, theres no secrets..its all written out.

44. There are good forces risking their lives secretly. They are fighting battles that are not going to surface at this time. Many secrets and many behind the scenes. There is a split government. There is a staged reality that is going on. Biden in the oval office was faked.

45. People are afraid to accept that they are being lied to about kovid, masks and vakksinashuns. Vakksinashuns are the new line in the sand. Its completely up to you on what you should do.

46. The clones are also there as a test to see if people will notice the inconsistencies....there are hints to see if people can put things together.

47. When your will power is directed thoughtfully from inside, theres nothing that you cannot achieve. You must sort your way through the twist and turns and whats real and whats not real.

48. Some of the stresses we face is the printing of outrageous amounts of dollars. Will cause financial problems.

49. Part of the control is to confuse you.

50. Make choices that enhance the quality of your life.

51. The voices of goodness are rising with rational thinking...not victim hood and nonsense.

52. People of earth need to confront all that needs to be brought forward. Take a giant step into your own intellect.

53. Anunnaki are here....and it'll be a while before they walk among us.

54. We will break away from the Anunnaki influences. Their game plan is not a winning strategy...they only want to conquer. They don't want us to have full brain and DNA capacity. They want us in fear.

55. April 27th Full Moon and Pluto goes retrograde - watch that portal and watch it every year... April 20/Beltane through May 1st - players manipulating reality dust off their wands on the mild level, some pay homage to earth - they seed, plant, give thanks to natures generosity - they give thanks to earth. There are also those who perform dark heavy deeds during this time.

56. Relax - be fully present in the moment. Explore all manner of opportunities that can enhance your well being. Essential oils.

57. The magic of the acceleration of energy is quick on all levels, what you want returns to you faster. You are valued in the cosmos and on earth. Put out good thoughts for those who have convinced themselves that they are victims. Aim high, think deep, dream big. Be an inspiration.

58. This is a time when people must choose. Many are ignorant because they have not spent any time researching or considering other points of view. Don't park yourself too permanently in any one comfort zone - reality has many surprises in store - you don't know the greatness that can unfold.

59. This is time when you must take stand.

60. It'll be an very interesting Spring/Summer season.

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