Monday, April 5, 2021

The war between the Light and darkness has already been won

The war between the Light and darkness has already been won by the Light in the Spiritual Realm, in the place of no time. We are currently acting it out to have it integrated within the physical realm for Humanity, hence the Rapture which is currently ongoing.
Actually, all of the global restrictions are a part of that battle, where the remnants of darkness, attempt to hold back as many as possible from Ascending to a higher timeline, however, it is all in vain and futile for them, it has already been Divinely decided on how the Human playground proceeds. To a place void of the malevolent lower density beings, or as most commonly known, the dark ones.
So We have upon the surface, the Greatest Legion of the Light ever known, all of the Light Avatars, acting out this battle with the darkness. Your first sign that the war had been won, was when You began to see all of the corruption and satanics exposed, the pedophilia of mainly the Catholic Church, the Vatican, was one of the first confirmed clues, whereas it was seen, that Nothing could be hidden by the darkness any longer, and was exposed, as the Revelations clearly state.
As in any war, it is almost instantly won, when the leader is taken out, in this war, satan was taken out around 10 linear years ago, as well as what You may refer to as generals of the darkness, or the next in command. Since then, everything for the remnants of darkness were, and still are, in an imploding tail spin, heading straight for their absolute demise and their relinquishment of the malevolent control upon the Human Soul aspect.
Divinely, We, which is all of the Light Ones in the Human form, become more powerful through every upward shift in the vibration. This is the transition, the Ascension. As more and more of the dark forces are conquered, the upward Shift occurs, so as does the Awakenings of more of Ours, assist with finishing the acting of this lengthy Energetic war.
The darks attempt at social distancing is done for a very important reason for them. To distance Ones in this way, more than 3 feet or one meter, it assures for them that any beginning to Awake and has a strengthening energetic field, does NOT affect Others in good ways. When One begins to Ascend/Awaken, Their energetic field, Their Aura, begins to strengthen and expands outward from Them. Typically it is around 3 feet, or a half of meter surrounding Them. Their Energetic field at this point is INFUSED with the Light Codes strong enough to begin to pass onto Others energetic fields, which then begins to enhance that Ones consciousness, for the Codes begin to lift the Veil, and those that We all come into contact with, begin to Awaken. Also the travel restrictions were a measure to attempt to prevent Energetic Light Workers to circumvent the world, to cleanse negative energetic areas and raise the energetics. These are the Divine Grid Workers they were attempting to stop, for Your presence in an area, does amazing Divine good things to the electro-magnetic Grid.
The oxygen is Divinely enhanced that is breathed in by every Human upon the planet, like nothing ever before, it has added Photonic Light, which is much more energized than oxygen of the past. The oxygen IS THE LIFE FORCE, when breathed in UNOBSTRUCTED, it begins immediately to transform the old carbon vessel and again, lifts the veil of the suppressed and conditioned consciousness, so that One can SEE the Truth. This is why the darkness attempts at forcing the masks on whoever they can.
The spraying of the skies and the weather manipulation by the dark, has always been to block out the important photonic Light, being Divinely administered to the surface, that evolves Humanity forward, both in the organic, and in the energetic consciousness.
The darkness uses the separation tactic in any way shape and form they can, to serve their ultimate agenda, to keep Ones in their lower density reality, for the darkness CANNOT go where We are going, and they do not wish to be left behind, without any slaves, so out of their fear, they frantically and desperately attempt to enforce all of their measures of separation. They also manipulate written themes and have always in the past, attempt infiltration in any spring ups of Light community or themes. They will also put false narratives out there, to keep Ones in fear, for them to keep Ones in fear, the fear energy produced by One of the Light, that does NOT know yet They are of the Light, ENERGIZES their lower density reality. So they TRICK Ones by creating false stories and news headlines, as well attacking the true Light, and in their attempts to cause separation, they will attempt to discredit Ones of the Light through various tactics, like saying that someone is false Light. To avoid that trickery, as I always say and teach, do NOT listen to others, unless it really resonates in Your Heart, that is Your Divine discernment feature that IS CONNECTED to Prime Creator and the rest of the Leagues of Heaven. Light does NOT attack or attempt to discredit another, this is the SURE sign that such attacks or attempts upon Light Ones, come from a controlled aspect of the darkness. Unity is key and fundamental in Your growth, anything other than Yourself and Your Heart that begins to cause separation MUST be viewed as a possible dark tactic, for separation is NOT Divine.
The injections of poisons into Ones organic bodies are measures by the darkness to weaken and have Ones energy always fighting lower density sickness, as a form of ENERGETIC SUPPRESSION, for the healthy energetic is what evolves One forward. The sicker they can make You, the more easier it was for them to control You.
Many RV groups, Gesara Ones ,etc were tricked for years, always following the dangling carrot in front of Their nose, that was never caught. Although the foundational intent was genuine, and it progressed for Divine reasons, it became infiltrated also from the darkness, the moment that Those involved thought that someone else would do this for Them. That timeline is NOT the way, there CANNOT be a codependency upon an individual to do this, it takes the UNITY WORLDWIDE of The People to do this. Many of You have looped for 10-20 linear years, for Gods sake, see the lies for what they truly are, a trap. Put Your Divine Consciousness and Prowess towards Unity and Creating the ultimate solution, not a solution that has the gold in someone elses hands, or something that is NOT transparent, like NDA's.
The fear propaganda are constructs of the dark, to generate fear, which is density, in an attempt to prolong Ascension and the self empowerment of the individual. Fear of war does NOT advance Humanity forward, it is a trick of the dark to prevent advancement. War does NOT need to happen to Awake Ones, it does the opposite. I suggest for All to KNOW that You ENERGIZE into Creation what is constantly in Your thoughts, there is one Way, and that is within You to stand, and assist in Creating the worl void of darkness and dark constructs. We need Your focus to be on Creating the NEW in the cleanest most efficient way, not expecting someone else to Create the NEW for You. The quicker We have All of the Divine Co-Creators that are upon the surface, directing Their Conscious focus upon Creating the NEW, the quicker it gets done, and the mission, Your purpose here, gets accomplished. Remember, another trick of the darkness is to give false hope to Ones, so that Ones become complacent, much the same way You have witnessed for years in Your voting experiences, did governments ever really change, were the campaign promises ever really filled? NO, so do NOT be tricked again by a very small few, UNITE, THEN IT IS BUILT, IT GETS DONE.
So, none of their plans are working, and more and more every minute are Awakening, They ARE seeing. There ARE certain powerful Co-Creators upon the surface that ALREADY have the NEW REALITY READY for Humanity to quickly transition into. This NEW reality is the direction and it is NOT done by any governments, it is done by The People and the Light Leaders that many never knew publicly, but are NOW seeing more and more of them rise.
Have a wise Love, and do NOT Love the darkness nor any of their bidding, to do so, opens an energetic door of allowance/condoning, and You will be disempowered continuously, caught in the density loop, for You are keeping them alive and in existence, when You are tricked into giving Your energetic Love to the malevolent darkness. You have a choice.
Let us finish this battle/mission promptly in this physical realm, this is the way to do it, and We can do it quickly by UNITING. Think about this entire post, and make a choice
Love and Light
Added after posting

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