Monday, April 5, 2021

scotty, they will not understand ascension status... -

 Old to New Energy 

April 4, 2021 From Kryon Book VIII – Passing The Marker – Page 126 

 Those in the old energy who have refused to accept any of the new gifts and have stayed with the old ways now have a final invitation to come on-board this new millennium train. The steps have been small over these last years since 1987, and many could have moved from the old to the new energy slowly, incorporating their knowledge and enhancing their lives. Some of them have refused, however, and stick to the old ways.       

Whereas the transition from old to new could have been made gradually, it will now be a giant leap for them. So there will be those who will stay in the old energy, calling themselves Lightworkers and calling you “wrong.” 

 They will not understand ascension status nor see the gifts that are available. They will tell you that they have earned their knowledge with their experience and that you could not have these new things without “paying your dues” as they have.   

 Many of them will say goodbye to you, and there will be a split. This is Human nature, is it not? But this is what was foretold and expected of such a dramatic shift.    ~ KRYON

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