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Monday, April 5, 2021

The war between the Light and darkness has already been won

The war between the Light and darkness has already been won by the Light in the Spiritual Realm, in the place of no time. We are currently acting it out to have it integrated within the physical realm for Humanity, hence the Rapture which is currently ongoing.
Actually, all of the global restrictions are a part of that battle, where the remnants of darkness, attempt to hold back as many as possible from Ascending to a higher timeline, however, it is all in vain and futile for them, it has already been Divinely decided on how the Human playground proceeds. To a place void of the malevolent lower density beings, or as most commonly known, the dark ones.
So We have upon the surface, the Greatest Legion of the Light ever known, all of the Light Avatars, acting out this battle with the darkness. Your first sign that the war had been won, was when You began to see all of the corruption and satanics exposed, the pedophilia of mainly the Catholic Church, the Vatican, was one of the first confirmed clues, whereas it was seen, that Nothing could be hidden by the darkness any longer, and was exposed, as the Revelations clearly state.
As in any war, it is almost instantly won, when the leader is taken out, in this war, satan was taken out around 10 linear years ago, as well as what You may refer to as generals of the darkness, or the next in command. Since then, everything for the remnants of darkness were, and still are, in an imploding tail spin, heading straight for their absolute demise and their relinquishment of the malevolent control upon the Human Soul aspect.
Divinely, We, which is all of the Light Ones in the Human form, become more powerful through every upward shift in the vibration. This is the transition, the Ascension. As more and more of the dark forces are conquered, the upward Shift occurs, so as does the Awakenings of more of Ours, assist with finishing the acting of this lengthy Energetic war.
The darks attempt at social distancing is done for a very important reason for them. To distance Ones in this way, more than 3 feet or one meter, it assures for them that any beginning to Awake and has a strengthening energetic field, does NOT affect Others in good ways. When One begins to Ascend/Awaken, Their energetic field, Their Aura, begins to strengthen and expands outward from Them. Typically it is around 3 feet, or a half of meter surrounding Them. Their Energetic field at this point is INFUSED with the Light Codes strong enough to begin to pass onto Others energetic fields, which then begins to enhance that Ones consciousness, for the Codes begin to lift the Veil, and those that We all come into contact with, begin to Awaken. Also the travel restrictions were a measure to attempt to prevent Energetic Light Workers to circumvent the world, to cleanse negative energetic areas and raise the energetics. These are the Divine Grid Workers they were attempting to stop, for Your presence in an area, does amazing Divine good things to the electro-magnetic Grid.
The oxygen is Divinely enhanced that is breathed in by every Human upon the planet, like nothing ever before, it has added Photonic Light, which is much more energized than oxygen of the past. The oxygen IS THE LIFE FORCE, when breathed in UNOBSTRUCTED, it begins immediately to transform the old carbon vessel and again, lifts the veil of the suppressed and conditioned consciousness, so that One can SEE the Truth. This is why the darkness attempts at forcing the masks on whoever they can.
The spraying of the skies and the weather manipulation by the dark, has always been to block out the important photonic Light, being Divinely administered to the surface, that evolves Humanity forward, both in the organic, and in the energetic consciousness.
The darkness uses the separation tactic in any way shape and form they can, to serve their ultimate agenda, to keep Ones in their lower density reality, for the darkness CANNOT go where We are going, and they do not wish to be left behind, without any slaves, so out of their fear, they frantically and desperately attempt to enforce all of their measures of separation. They also manipulate written themes and have always in the past, attempt infiltration in any spring ups of Light community or themes. They will also put false narratives out there, to keep Ones in fear, for them to keep Ones in fear, the fear energy produced by One of the Light, that does NOT know yet They are of the Light, ENERGIZES their lower density reality. So they TRICK Ones by creating false stories and news headlines, as well attacking the true Light, and in their attempts to cause separation, they will attempt to discredit Ones of the Light through various tactics, like saying that someone is false Light. To avoid that trickery, as I always say and teach, do NOT listen to others, unless it really resonates in Your Heart, that is Your Divine discernment feature that IS CONNECTED to Prime Creator and the rest of the Leagues of Heaven. Light does NOT attack or attempt to discredit another, this is the SURE sign that such attacks or attempts upon Light Ones, come from a controlled aspect of the darkness. Unity is key and fundamental in Your growth, anything other than Yourself and Your Heart that begins to cause separation MUST be viewed as a possible dark tactic, for separation is NOT Divine.
The injections of poisons into Ones organic bodies are measures by the darkness to weaken and have Ones energy always fighting lower density sickness, as a form of ENERGETIC SUPPRESSION, for the healthy energetic is what evolves One forward. The sicker they can make You, the more easier it was for them to control You.
Many RV groups, Gesara Ones ,etc were tricked for years, always following the dangling carrot in front of Their nose, that was never caught. Although the foundational intent was genuine, and it progressed for Divine reasons, it became infiltrated also from the darkness, the moment that Those involved thought that someone else would do this for Them. That timeline is NOT the way, there CANNOT be a codependency upon an individual to do this, it takes the UNITY WORLDWIDE of The People to do this. Many of You have looped for 10-20 linear years, for Gods sake, see the lies for what they truly are, a trap. Put Your Divine Consciousness and Prowess towards Unity and Creating the ultimate solution, not a solution that has the gold in someone elses hands, or something that is NOT transparent, like NDA's.
The fear propaganda are constructs of the dark, to generate fear, which is density, in an attempt to prolong Ascension and the self empowerment of the individual. Fear of war does NOT advance Humanity forward, it is a trick of the dark to prevent advancement. War does NOT need to happen to Awake Ones, it does the opposite. I suggest for All to KNOW that You ENERGIZE into Creation what is constantly in Your thoughts, there is one Way, and that is within You to stand, and assist in Creating the worl void of darkness and dark constructs. We need Your focus to be on Creating the NEW in the cleanest most efficient way, not expecting someone else to Create the NEW for You. The quicker We have All of the Divine Co-Creators that are upon the surface, directing Their Conscious focus upon Creating the NEW, the quicker it gets done, and the mission, Your purpose here, gets accomplished. Remember, another trick of the darkness is to give false hope to Ones, so that Ones become complacent, much the same way You have witnessed for years in Your voting experiences, did governments ever really change, were the campaign promises ever really filled? NO, so do NOT be tricked again by a very small few, UNITE, THEN IT IS BUILT, IT GETS DONE.
So, none of their plans are working, and more and more every minute are Awakening, They ARE seeing. There ARE certain powerful Co-Creators upon the surface that ALREADY have the NEW REALITY READY for Humanity to quickly transition into. This NEW reality is the direction and it is NOT done by any governments, it is done by The People and the Light Leaders that many never knew publicly, but are NOW seeing more and more of them rise.
Have a wise Love, and do NOT Love the darkness nor any of their bidding, to do so, opens an energetic door of allowance/condoning, and You will be disempowered continuously, caught in the density loop, for You are keeping them alive and in existence, when You are tricked into giving Your energetic Love to the malevolent darkness. You have a choice.
Let us finish this battle/mission promptly in this physical realm, this is the way to do it, and We can do it quickly by UNITING. Think about this entire post, and make a choice
Love and Light
Added after posting

scotty, they will not understand ascension status... -

 Old to New Energy 

April 4, 2021 From Kryon Book VIII – Passing The Marker – Page 126 

 Those in the old energy who have refused to accept any of the new gifts and have stayed with the old ways now have a final invitation to come on-board this new millennium train. The steps have been small over these last years since 1987, and many could have moved from the old to the new energy slowly, incorporating their knowledge and enhancing their lives. Some of them have refused, however, and stick to the old ways.       

Whereas the transition from old to new could have been made gradually, it will now be a giant leap for them. So there will be those who will stay in the old energy, calling themselves Lightworkers and calling you “wrong.” 

 They will not understand ascension status nor see the gifts that are available. They will tell you that they have earned their knowledge with their experience and that you could not have these new things without “paying your dues” as they have.   

 Many of them will say goodbye to you, and there will be a split. This is Human nature, is it not? But this is what was foretold and expected of such a dramatic shift.    ~ KRYON

Thursday, April 1, 2021

HE IS BACK: John Durham Issuing SUBPOENAS and INTERVIEWING on Crossfire ...

John Durham’s inquiry

into the origins and conduct of the Trump-Russia investigation is chugging along during the Biden administration, with the special counsel arranging witness interviews and issuing subpoenas in recent months, according to a new report. SOURCE:

Crossfire Hurricane

Donald Trump has issued a formal statement asking whether Special Counsel John Durham is still 'living' and demanding to know whether he will ever issue his report on the origins of the FBI's Russia collusion investigation. SOURCE:

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

It Is Time To Remember


It Is Time To Remember


We are going to take another trip in the wayback machine to refresh the memories of those who are critically thinking, research impaired suffering from acute denial and cognitive dissonance. When the big chemical companies brought out DDT despite the warnings and sprayed it on everything including the children the “authorities’ said it was safe, a miracle solution nothing to worry about. They created nuclear energy as the new clean energy, ignited nuclear bombs without even knowing the consequences telling us just get under the desk and put newspapers on us to protect from fallout. Now the planet is riddled with nuclear dump sites, ticking time bombs. We even pay the people responsible billions to clean up their own mess of which they have failed miserably.  Did you know the top scientists were working on a plan to stop global warming by igniting nuclear bombs around the planet some wanted to blow us further away from the sun?  Then they brought out a host of herbicides despite the warnings and the authorities said it is safe, a miracle for increased crop production. They used them in the forests and on water sheds then the still births started appearing and the fish went belly up. They sprayed agent orange on our troops in Vietnam saying it is safe, all those horrendous side effects, neurological disorders cancers are all in your heads. They told us Round Up was so safe you could drink it. When challenged to do so they declined later to find out it creates cancer, kidney and liver failure spraying massive quantities to this day on roadsides and river banks. They created GMOs terminator crops to corner food production then sued farmers when they contaminated their crops for patent violations.


They are the war profiteers that brought out depleted uranium in the Middle East Wars telling the troops no worries, it’s safe to handle now the sand storms are creating birth defects, toxic even deadly. It did however help dispense with a lot of the radioactive materials. Their solution is dissolution guess what is raining down on you in the chemtrails? Not to mention the heavy metals that are accumulative.  They injected the troops with concoctions in a grand experiment putting most of them on timers yet when the side effects came, they labeled it as PTSD, psychological.


Now we have the “vaccines” which are not vaccines, they are gene modifiers, operating systems delivered using aborted fetal tissue, another unholy big business in a mass experiment not sanctioned by the FDA nullifying your life insurance. Let that one sink in. They did not tell you this did they? They did not tell you that you chose to participate in an unsanctioned experiment bullied by the press, politicians, and brainwashed employers. The neurological disorders, organ failures and deaths to come are at your own hands, by your own consent . Anyone ask what happened to the test animals? Those that did not die, died later when infected again by a cytokine storm similar to aids, their immune systems went on hyperdrive. Could this by why people are coming down with HIV after the jab or are they finding the virus in the vaccines? Did you know those who took the previous, Jabs the flu vaccinations had more severe reaction to Cov 19 and now research is showing there will be an even more severe reaction after the vaccine to any new virus which could be terminal.  All for a virus that has a 99.8% recovery, some are asymptomatic others experience a mild flu according to the CDC. Those with a compromised immune system, previous serious illnesses, in rest homes and hospice where the main casualties, numbers not any higher than previous flus. Knowing this many Governors filled the rest homes with those infected, some wrote books praising their heroic response. 


Are you listening to the doctors and researchers who are not bought and paid for by big pharma, or are you listening to the eugenicists that are making billions off the vaccines and test kits, yes those kits with a 86% false negative that a goat, pawpaw fruit and a can of coke tested positive? A test kit even the inventor said should not be used to test for Covid, who died recently after going public.  Why are extremely carcinogenic chemicals found on the test swabs, nanomaterials, other agents applied directly to the closest place to the brain, where the protective shielding is thinnest?   Again, they say this is safe and anyone who questions them are conspiracy nuts anti-science and anti-American.  Is to be an American to follow like blind sheep what-ever the, “authorities” tell you considering their past record? How many drugs were branded safe only to find out later they had serious side effects, sterilized the recipient, created birth defects and in some cases were terminal? Has anyone asked just who these chemical and pharmaceutical companies are, are they multibillion dollar industries that have been around forever? Do they support the N.W.O. and its plan to remove 13 out of 14 people off the planet as stated openly and written on the Georgia Guidestones? Have they ever been held accountable, do they have a history of creating serious harm to humanity and the Earth? Were some of them involved with Nazi Germany in the past experimenting on humans against their will and providing chemicals for the gas chambers, did they provide the tracking systems, the papers, catalog who is to live and who is to die? Who has been creating these toxic chemicals and drugs, how did they become so fashionable, who sanctioned them in the past, what government agency and can they be trusted now? 


Whether done in ignorance or in full knowledge there is a history of genocide and coverups, with no personal responsibility. Big pharma, the chemical companies, corrupt politicians have all allowed this to happen and it is continuing to happen unchecked by the ignorant and willing masses. Despite this history people are lining up to participate in their own injury and demise. When you try to save or educate them, they turn on you, families, friends, the socially engineered label you as a fanatic, conspiracy theorist, nut case. This includes the complicit mainstream and social media with their heavy censorship programs. 


Those that shame you only establish their own ignorance and character, how dare you stop the lemmings from going over the cliff, stop them from their self-imposed injury and slaughter taking their children who trust them to protect them right along with them. All for a paycheck or fear of rocking the boat.  


This has become like the time machine when the above ground humans could not be diverted from becoming dinner for the Morlocks. Read 1984, Fareignheit 451, Brave New World these were not fiction, they are now documentaries of the present administrations behavior. Double speak is real. How long will this madness continue? Personally, if someone lies to me once threatens or causes harm to me, my friends and family they are gone, toast, persona non gratis.  Yet the masses in ignorance line up repeatedly for the same results. 


“Are we really that ignorant, critically thinking impaired, socially engineered to the point we cannot see the obvious despite a long history of deception, injury and death by the very same people?”


Do you really think these same people have your safety, health and wellbeing first and foremost as their agenda? Do you think black lives matter to them, any other culture or race? Divide and conquer, all the race and gender wars take the spot light off of them.  If you have not figured this out by now God help you. It will take a miracle or a real hard lesson to turn this monumental denial around. That hard lesson is coming. Do not say you were not warned. Do not put your salvation in the hands of anyone or any institution who not only have repeatedly failed in the past but may very well have been the cause. They created the problem, generated the fear, reaction, and now are providing at the cost of your health wellbeing and billions the solution. Or are they? Will this create even more problems in the future as all their past solutions. 


Wake up. In the words of Einstein doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result is a form of insanity. We have become an insane civilization. We have forgotten the beauty of Nature and the commitment to the children to protect and keep them safe. Not everyone however and they will rise. This is not a political war it is a multidimensional war against good and evil. You're not alone. Ask.


Godspeed and pass this far and wide. 


James Gilliland

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

God Wins- You knew that already though

Importantly, we have already passed the point of convergence in these timelines, meaning there’s nothing that Satan, the deep state and demonic forces can do to stop the ultimate victory of good over evil. It doesn’t mean they won’t try to cause as much pain, suffering and destruction as possible in their last remaining moves, but the final outcome is already preordained. Listen to today’s inspiring Situation Update podcast for full details:

stat counter